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Looking for a Consensus: Favorite Dungeon?


Hero of Winds
Feb 19, 2011
So I've searched the internet trying to find a general consensus of what the best dungeon is in Wind Waker, and so far I haven't come across many good examples, so I decided to make my own! Which Wind Waker temple did you like the most and why? Just in case you need help remembering:

- Forsaken Fortress (initial or revisit)
- Dragon Roost Cavern
- Forbidden Woods
- Tower of the Gods
- Earth Temple
- Wind Temple
- Ganon's Tower
Personally, my favorite was the Wind Temple. I loved Makar, the music, the atomsphere, the enemies, the giant central fan room, the boss, just everything about it always made me feel extremely happy while playing it. I'm currently replaying Wind Waker and am at the Earth Temple, it's daunting being so close!


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
I love Wind Waker. I love the entire game. I would have to say that Dragon Roost Cavern is one of my favorite dungeons. Maybe partly because it's the first real dungeon in the game, where you have your sword and get to fight enemies and stuff. And everything's still so new at that point. I also like the mix between going inside and going outside. I just love the whole island itself, the music, the Rito, the environment, just everything.


Ganondorf Incarnate
Feb 12, 2011
Dark Realm
my favorite one was the Earth temple. One, due to it's size, and it's difficulty (to me, anyway), plus I enjoyed solving those mirror rooms...I swear, the first time I went through there, I got stuck in the mirror room for days...


Hero of Winds
Feb 19, 2011
@Epona: I agree with you about the inside/outside combo on Dragon Roost, it was a nice break to hear the waves every now and then and not have to be stuck inside the temple the entire time.

@SwiftestPhantom: I actually just finished the Earth Temple this morning on my second playthrough. I forgot how much I loved the creepy feelings of the entire dungeon plus that huge mirror room at the end was a great puzzle to solve. I also love all the windy staircases, very different from most of the Zelda series' dungeons.
Oct 12, 2010
The Earth Temple. To me, it felt like the Sadow Temple re-done. There were re-deads, stalfos, bubbles...and those few haunting notes of the didgeridoo playing every three minutes. The boss (Jalhalla) was kinda lame in my opinion, but the intricate light and fog puzzles made up for that. Over all, a creepy, yet fascinating dungeon. WW just wouldn't be the same without it.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
My favorite dungeon in the Wind Waker would be the Wind Temple. While I was not a big fan of the parter idea to beat the dungeon (Makar), I thought it added a new level of creativity to the dungeon. All of WW's dungeons disappointed me with their difficulty also, but this was probably the hardest dungeon the game had to offer. Part of what added to the difficulty was the non-linearity of the dungeon. We constantly kept going up and down finding different things. This plays a role in my favorite dungeon, as I like difficulty, as it makes a dungeon more memorable. It also had one of my favorite items from the series, the
The atmosphere of the dungeon, as well as the music, fit together perfectly. Finally, the boss fight was the funnest and hardest (other than Ganondorf), and made good use of the dungeon item.


Mar 19, 2011
The Earth temple.
I loved the redeads in it and the idea of mrriors and floormasters.
and second, there is Medli!
Medli is awesome.
I didnt really like the boss though.


Hero of Winds
Feb 19, 2011
Woo another Wind Temple fan! From what I've seen most people either love it or hate it, usually over Makar. I know he isn't the greatest partner ever for a dungeon but he's not as bad as people seem to make him out to be.


I love how that comment is totally about me ^w^ I like the Earth Temple too because Medli is a flying BEAST.


Hero of Winds
Feb 19, 2011
I forgot about the giant staircase! I loved that! Plus Puppet Ganon was one of the best bosses in Zelda history IMO.


Ganon's Tower and the Earth Temple are my Favorites. I loved the bosses. And the other stuff.
Feb 5, 2011
All the dungeons were hard, I mean maybe not Dragon Roost with the Tingle Tuner, but I mean they all gave it their all.

The tree place was miserable.

The TotG was just painfully long for me. Took me hours to get to the second part of it.

The Earth Temple was painfully long for me. It was gloomy, painful, long, long, did I mention long? Oh! AND confusing!

The Wind Temple was great. It wasn't painfully long or if at all hard. Very pleasant place.

The Forsaken Fortress though, the initial visit was pain. But after a few runs I found a good path to follow, today it's just another cakewalk.

The second visit to the FF was fun, I liked it. Not too much to say about it.

All in all. A great game.

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