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Links Good with the Ladies


Nice Matt

You ever notice how a majority of females in OoT seem to be diggin on Link? why is this? there are plenty of other strapping men in hyrule, like one of the construction workers, Dampe, and the amazing juggling twins who seem to have no agenda what so ever, just to name a few.


I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
dude, it's cause link is a total s-t-u-d. that's right, stud. he goes around pwnin' noobs and saving lives and slaying bosses, while the twins 'juggle' and talk about those other twins. dampe is a monster-faced man that hangs out in a graveyard (what cool chick is into that?) and the construction workers run around and NEVER get the job done in time. compaired to link, they are dirt and he is a strong, athletic, peice of man-candy to all the women that want him. but ME on the other hand is like that but 10 times more awesome... I can get a scientist to prove it....


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
OoT Link is only considered attractive to the ladies because everyone else is a lazy***. The construction workers had to work SEVEN years to get the Archery Building done. Who would like a couple of dudes like that? Dampe is a gravedigger, and he is dead anyway. The jugglers are jugglers, not too much talent. If there was some competition (Dark Link?), Link wouldn't be so attractive, or maybe he would. I don't know for sure, though.

Nice Matt

heres the thing, Links got his pick of the litter. one would assume that he would choose zelda for many reasons. one, being that there is obvious chemistry and sexual tension between them. two, hed become royalty (who wouldnt wanna rule a land that seem to constantly be under chaos all the time) plus hed make a hella good king cause he know when stuffs going down. three, zeldas mighty fine, in a completely not wierd way. all im saying is that malon and all other girls should lower their standards and get with bazzar shop keep. he may have glaucoma in his one eye, but he makes good money and owns his own business


I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
well, from a technical stand-point the ancestory of Link is actually very confusing because he, like, refuses their love - Ruto (no fish links have been introduced) malon (makes sense since link was a rancher in TP, malon could be the ONLY girl that would make sense) narbooro (she was in her 20s when he was like, 10) sairia (never ages, will never work) impa (too old) and well, have you EVER heard the opening sequence/flashback mention link becoming the king? and if you think that any king that they showed in the games was link, if so then he really let himself go to be fat like that (MC, WW, aLttP, PH) so how has he decended without accepting any girl's love?

Nice Matt

im talking strictly hypothetical, completely disregarding anytime timeline. if there is a timeline then malon is the most senceable choice but i digress. this is just for haha's and has no actual constructive purpose
Jun 14, 2010
New York
I kind of like it better that he doesn't "choose" anyone. He's a busy man with an important agenda.

At the same time, if some guy came to save my life wearing a tunic and weilding all those weapons... well, it's easy to see how all the women easily swoon after him :P


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
I think because Link seems heroic and he wears the Hero's Tunic, people admire him. If I saw someone with something heroic and ancient on and he looked like a hero, I'd want to be all over him too. lol.


Randomus Pervertus
May 13, 2010
i just think it's because

a) he's a cool guy, saving people and killing monsters and all

b) all the other men in Hyrule are ugly. I can think of maybe 2 men in OoT besides Link that aren't ugly


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
:lol: Obviously, look at all the ladies in Zelda that like him (and not just OoT)!:lol:

He is a cool guy, saving the world all the time, so that would kinda help you get girls, wouldn't it? And Shiekah's right; there really aren't any other men out in Hyrule who look good AT ALL. :xd:

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