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(Link's Awakening) Red or Blue Tunic?

If you could only make the tunic choice once, what color tunic would you pick?

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May 9, 2018
His Unerring Majesty
So, you've got yourself a copy of LADX, beat the bonus color dungeon, and now a great fairy is presenting you with one of two choices - a red tunic that lets you deal twice as much damage with your sword, or a blue tunic that halves how much damage you take.

Though in the game you may reverse your choice at any time, let's say for the purpose of this thread that the devs decided to only let you pick once per save file. Now, what's your color?

My personal choice would be red. If we're talking about minimizing damage, it would be better to negate the risk of being struck in the first place by taking out your opponent more quickly.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Offense is the best defense. The goalie is only doing his/her job if everyone else failed.

Offense, for sure. Doubling damage is allowing half as many shots to be made at you, and if you're good, you won't get hit much anyways which negates the effectiveness of the blue tunic

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