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General Zelda Link with Human Emotions and Character Development

Azure Sage

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I know that traditionally Link doesn't come with much emotion. He usually just quietly accepts whatever mission he's been given without a fuss and bravely stands up to face his destiny. But what if we had a Link that does the opposite?

Something I'd really like to see in Link is fear. I want to see a Link that is visibly afraid to start his journey, shaking in his boots when facing the first couple bosses. I want to watch him overcome that fear as the game progresses. It would make his Triforce of Courage truly mean something. I think watching Link start out as a coward and slowly become a courageous hero would be really cool. It would be good character development, something I feel the series should try to do more of.

What do you guys think about this? Would you like to see more character development in Link?


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
I notice in a lot of fanfictions and fanfilms they do this sort of thing, where Link has to overcome a fear and thus it strengthens his Triforce power. Implementing this into a game would be great, I think, because it does seem to be getting a little "bland" what with Link doing the same thing pretty much every game. Nintendo has been doing a few little bits of character development for Link here and there in a few games, so its not like Link is totally "bland" as I said, he just needs something a little more "human", which would be an emotion of fear.

Although with it being a game I don't know how they'd go about implementing the fear aspect, I suppose it could be in a cutscene, but then I think they've done something like that where Link was a bit hesitant to begin his mission in a cutscene, however for the sake of the continuation of the game he oovercame it. So I don't know how they'd implement this well in order to make it a good conquring of fear other than just your "short" cutscene.

I like the idea, I just don't know how! =O


Jan 26, 2013
I think that this would be an interesting idea, as most games have implemented such an idea, but Zelda is unique, and Link being an empty shell is part of it(even though he has deviated from that more than I would like).

So yeah, it would probably make Zelda better, but it would make it less "Zelda"

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
Hmm... I'm not so sure I'm up for this idea personally.

The Zelda games have always done a pretty fantastic job of allowing me to supplant myself into Link's shoes and act out my will to be a hero, while at the same time affecting me emotionally due to what's happening and how Link is reacting to it. It's sort of a halfway state between blank slate and fully 3-dimensional character. I also find that characterization he's been given also motivates me personally to take on the tasks, so the connection isn't strictly one-way.

Now, if they managed to make the gameplay match the state of fear Link's in at the time, like making it to where he's not a sniveling wuss in cutscenes and a badass boss slayer in combat like a competent player would be, then I can see how it can work. Maybe put in a fear bar like how Amnesia does it - I know I got scared outta my wits while playing that game. But I'm worried about story-gameplay dissonance if Link's given character traits that conflict with his in-game actions.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Link being afraid of Ghirahim lasted for that one instance. What I'm talking about is having Link as a coward for the whole first part of the game. Then he gradually begins to accept his destiny and develop into a courageous hero.

I know, I know. To be honest, my post was mainly to envoke discussion about this sort of thing, since you rarely respond to your own threads. And it worked! :bleh:

There should definitely be more of this sort of thing involved. What you're describing is actually the resistance to the call of adventure -- the third stage in the basic outline for the Hero's Journey. Almost every Zelda story is unquestionably through-and-through a tale of the Hero's Journey, and they've never done a good job of depicting that third stage. Skyward Sword was a step in the right direction (as it was with many things regarding this kind of story), but it didn't nail it. I'd like to see future entries take it even further.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I know that traditionally Link doesn't come with much emotion. He usually just quietly accepts whatever mission he's been given without a fuss and bravely stands up to face his destiny. But what if we had a Link that does the opposite?

Something I'd really like to see in Link is fear. I want to see a Link that is visibly afraid to start his journey, shaking in his boots when facing the first couple bosses. I want to watch him overcome that fear as the game progresses. It would make his Triforce of Courage truly mean something. I think watching Link start out as a coward and slowly become a courageous hero would be really cool. It would be good character development, something I feel the series should try to do more of.

What do you guys think about this? Would you like to see more character development in Link?

Eh, this is a little difficult to decide on. If fans are dead-set on being geared towards a more realistic Zelda game, then to make the experience more realistic, I would bring emotions into play. I'm quite certain most if not all warriors experience doubt, guilt, disgust, regret, and so on, yet Link has experienced none of these emotions. With Skyward Sword, we got a little emotion from Link (especially with the scene between him and Zelda), and Toon Link tends to have some humorous expressions as well, but I believe having Link become a little more emotional isn't out of the question. It changes his character slightly, but we should see how well it's received. I can also understand arguments against it, seeing as how Link holds the Triforce of Courage, but everyone has their weaknesses, and it'd be interesting to see what his are.


May 18, 2013
No, Link shouldn't have any character development at all. The more of a blank slate he is the better(up to a certain point at least:xd:).
Jan 21, 2013
Clock Town
I think this really boils down to making Link a character, or preserving him as an avatar for the player. Traditionally, Link has been the avatar, and not a character in his own right. From the name on down he is no more than the player's connection to the game world. As such, a developmental arc like the one you've described is out of the question if that roll is to be maintained.

But should it be? Wind Waker featured the most expressive Link to date, and that was something many (myself included) found endearing about the game. The first half of the game even had a character arc of sorts, as Link matured from a kid trying to do the right thing into the Hero of Winds. Skyward Sword also tinkered with the formula, granting Link a bit more character, and especially deeper relationships, than he had had before. I would hold that in both cases these moves worked very well.

In order to do what you're suggesting, OP, Nintendo would have to go further, and make Link a character in his own right. Personally, I think that could work, and I for one would like to see more character development in him. I don't think it's necessary to make him a complete coward, but after all this time, it'd be nice to get to know him a little bit better.

Azure Sage

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Now, if they managed to make the gameplay match the state of fear Link's in at the time, like making it to where he's not a sniveling wuss in cutscenes and a badass boss slayer in combat like a competent player would be, then I can see how it can work. Maybe put in a fear bar like how Amnesia does it - I know I got scared outta my wits while playing that game. But I'm worried about story-gameplay dissonance if Link's given character traits that conflict with his in-game actions.
I had a thought about that, actually. In Tales of the Abyss, there's a scene where Luke fon Fabre has to kill another person for the first time, and during the gameplay of that battle, he'd move really slowly instead of the normal speed. I thought that was a neat way to show his fear and hesitation through the gameplay. I was thinking something along those lines would be a good idea.

Twilight King

The Actual Hero of Time
Jun 17, 2013
Character development? No. Link is meant to be a "link" to the character. Essentially, it's you fighting the baddies.

You control what he says, at least in SS, so, in theory, you can add some of your own development, but what would there be to develop?


Jul 1, 2012
So basically just make Link more of a character?

Why yes of course I'd like to see this. I think a strong story is pivotal to any game. While there are a few occasions where games may not need a story obviously, in most games I believe story works wonders. It just gives everyone think a reason and enhances the experience. And characters are like the back bone of the story - give them more of a background, give them emotion etc.

Since I don't want actual voice acting (I really don't think it needs to happen) then more realistic facially expressions which portray emotion is the best ay to go about it. Yes.


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Hmmm I think he shows some emotion in some games already. Or he could be more like Ravio. We saw a strong development in his character. I think a little bit more motion won't do any harm but not many people will pay attention because let's be honest we rather wanna continue to play ;)

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