It's the best 2D Zelda game. I would adore a remake on 3DS. I'd prefer a port of it though.
I've played the GameBoy Advance version of A Link to the Past, and I found the controls actually very smooth to play, even on my DS, with "R" being the action button (boots, pick up objects, etc.), "L" being the map, "A" being the secondary weapon of choice, and "B" being the sword.
Why would you want to remake A Link to the Past, though? What could possibly be improved and what could possibly need changing on that game? Particularly, what could you change that wouldn't redefine the game and make it not even the same game anymore? A Link to the Past is one of the most pointless games in the series to remake, because there's absolutely no reason to and arguably no real benefit to doing so. Porting it makes sense, but actually remaking it?