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Breath of the Wild Link is not a nice chap in Breath of the Wild

Oct 14, 2013
In Breath of the Wild Link will

  • Kill everything that moves and try to cook and eat it
  • Pick every herb and flower he can to make wonderful potions . . . . cough drugs cough
  • Create multiple large grass fires. Who keep trees and grass around when there is no money in it?
  • Start a deforestation project. Hyrule needs log bridges, not pointless trees.
  • Comit genocide on the bokoblin natives and destroy their camps. If they are edible, cook their remains.
  • Loot and pillage every hidden underground shrine to make himself richer with more loot
  • Invent the dangerous life threatning sport of mountain side shield surfing
  • Misuse ancient technology (Sheikah slate) for his own personal gains

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I know this is satirical, but I wanna point out that the developers have said that you can go through the entire game and not need to eat a single piece of meat; you can make potions and stuff that are just as effective out of plants and herbs. If Link is shooting everything that moves with arrows, that's all on the player.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Wow its sort of ****ed up IMO to eat bokoblin when you think about it. They are incredibly intelligent creatures capable of strategic war planning and structure building that is many times that of any animals besides humans on our planet. I think we should co exist with them.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I know this is satirical, but I wanna point out that the developers have said that you can go through the entire game and not need to eat a single piece of meat; you can make potions and stuff that are just as effective out of plants and herbs. If Link is shooting everything that moves with arrows, that's all on the player.
Link is canonically an omnivore, vegans stay out REEEEE

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
Translation: The players are awful people.

Since all of the reasons for Link being an awful person are player determined actions, then because Link moves at the behest of the player Link is innocent of all charges. The player on the other hand bears the full brunt of the blame.

Link is the execution of the divine wrath of the player. The puppet of the alpaca lips. Fire arrows don't melt ice beams within a stasis field.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
I can't wait to start making golf holes in the gane. Use the Sheikah slate on a Boulder to freeze it in time, use a hammer and Wail on it to launch it once the freeze wears off. Try and hit things/land in certain spots.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I know this is satirical, but I wanna point out that the developers have said that you can go through the entire game and not need to eat a single piece of meat; you can make potions and stuff that are just as effective out of plants and herbs. If Link is shooting everything that moves with arrows, that's all on the player.

Yes but Link is a character, even if the player avoids doing those things whilst controlling Link, the actual character of Link is still a vile person who does those things.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
Wow its sort of ****ed up IMO to eat bokoblin when you think about it. They are incredibly intelligent creatures capable of strategic war planning and structure building that is many times that of any animals besides humans on our planet. I think we should co exist with them.

They're also incredibly nasty-looking. I'm sure their meat would be tough and chewy, and not at all appetizing.

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