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Zelda Art Legend of Zelda: Noir Heiress

*This is an off the top of my head mini intro to an idea for a noir Zelda story inspired by the user Curmudgeon.
(I'd have been a lot more cynical and cutting if I wasn't aiming for family friendly here). Enjoy, or try to. =]
(The lyrics are from a song called Old Friend by Akira Yamaoka)

The Legend of Zelda: Noir Heiress
By Spirit​

Where have you been?
You are a different man
You disappeared
And just like that, you’re here.

Her name is Malon; she is a singer and a dancer and her voice is every bit as delicious as her body.
Her voice is the only truth that the drunken patrons of Telma’s Bar will hear tonight and her beauty is the only thing that they will remember upon waking…
Like those semi-conscious around me, I am here for her. She wants me to be here, I am who she needs and I am who she summoned. Neither her voice nor her beauty brought me here tonight; it was her money and her tears.

So did your time, away from here
Renew your soul to make you strong
For your return I thought you knew
It feels good, just holding you.

It had been a night unlike any other; the phone had yelped like a dog in heat and woken me in the dead of the night. As a run-down private-eye; women wailing through the cold hard plastic against my ear is nothing new to me; paranoid wives and forgotten spouses hiring me to follow their deviant husbands is the majority of the work that comes my way. But an invite to sleaziest bar in this cesspit of a town was something new…

She’s gone, I feel
I think there’s something wrong
Have you seen her?
She’s been away too long.

Malon had since made her way through the bar, caressing the faces of those who could barely feel her as she passed them. Locking her eyes onto mine, she traced a line towards me with no distractions and clasped her arms around my neck. Her eyes, shrink-wrapped in stubborn tears that refused to fall, begged me with a pleading urgency that her voice had mirrored over the phone earlier in the night.

I’m glad you’re here.
I see you’re well.
And welcome home
Embrace your hell.

Her hands snaked from my neck to my chest and into my coat. Seconds later I felt the weight of her burden drag my pocket down and instantly I knew that I wouldn’t be sleeping again anytime soon.

In a town hungry for the lonely
Lost, innocent child
Forbidden life taken in a moment
Life, too late for saving…
or just in time.

I watched her slowly saunter back to the stage, her soft and flowing movements seeming forced and fragile to me now with her back turned to me. With the last words of her song she was gone, I wanted to follow her, I knew I’d have questions but the weight in my pocket told me that I had everything I needed for now…
The winter night’s air was as cold as I’d ever felt it as I made my way back through the town of Hyrule to Ordon Street and my home-come-office. Reaching into my pocket I retrieved a silver rupee and a rolled up piece of parchment, on the parchment was a face, a face I wasn’t familiar with but knew that I soon would be.
Under the face on the parchment read the name ‘Zelda’
And on the back it read ‘find her’.
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