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Legend Of Zelda - Battling Strategys


~Deku Drahsid~ | The Hero
Jul 7, 2012
Deku Palace
First off I'd like to say I think I Spelt "Battling" wrong, second, this is another computer post.

Ok I made this fourm to explin some of my battling strategys, and mabie hear some of yours. :clap:

I'll start off with what I mostely use; This one is basic but effective.

I defend before offending, Thats right... I have my sheild out half the battle: I don't randomly rapidly swing my sword, like my brother. (My brother can't beat one of the skeletons with gladiuses in OoT without my help! :lol:)
Anyways the one I just explained you could say is a prequil to another one I use often. (Usaly on bosses. =\)
What I do with this one is defend before offend; but I only offend when their very weak, and how I attack by swinging, jumping, reapeating until its weakspot is not hitable.
(Use this on queen gohma corectly and she is down is 14.32 seconds!) (This doesent work on the skeletons with gladiuses In OoT, its weakspot is realy only able to be hit once.)
I'd tell you more but, I would probaly tell you to many, I have losts of ways to battle.
Most are efficeint, others will kill me.
What about you? Have any good battling strategys?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
To be honest, my battle strategy varies from game to game.

In the 2D titles, I focus on defense as rashly engaging in battle quickly leads to death. This is especially true in the Adventure of Link where fierce combat must be matched with equally wise use of spells such as the Jump, Life, and Shield spells. In a game like AoL where deeper strategy is required to brave armed forces, players must use their limited assets wisely to brave the war of attrition.

The 3D games don't require as much careful maneuvering but use of long ranged weapons such as the bow and arrow and magic spells where applicable is advised. I've seen Youtube videos where players rush and quickly slay Iron Knuckles or Darknuts but I'm unable to do that. Instead, I choose to pick off any smaller enemies in range and then strike the tougher foes from afar, weakening them before approaching for the final blow.

I found Skyward Sword's combat to be unlike previous installments in that I was not accustomed the motion control and enemies are fiercer than previous variations-evading, parrying, and retaliating against Link's attacks. With this in mind, I always purchased the maximum number of potions before heading into battle. When battling regular Bokoblins, I primarily use the sword but when more cunning opponents such as Lizalfos enter the fray, I use my shield more regularly and assertively. When the opportunity presents itself, I also enjoy using the Beetle to briefly stun a foe or drop a bomb from above.
Apr 10, 2012
First off I'd like to say I think I Spelt "Battling" wrong, second, this is another computer post.

Ok I made this fourm to explin some of my battling strategys, and mabie hear some of yours. :clap:

I'll start off with what I mostely use; This one is basic but effective.

I defend before offending, Thats right... I have my sheild out half the battle: I don't randomly rapidly swing my sword, like my brother. (My brother can't beat one of the skeletons with gladiuses in OoT without my help! :lol:)
Anyways the one I just explained you could say is a prequil to another one I use often. (Usaly on bosses. =\)
What I do with this one is defend before offend; but I only offend when their very weak, and how I attack by swinging, jumping, reapeating until its weakspot is not hitable.
(Use this on queen gohma corectly and she is down is 14.32 seconds!) (This doesent work on the skeletons with gladiuses In OoT, its weakspot is realy only able to be hit once.)
I'd tell you more but, I would probaly tell you to many, I have losts of ways to battle.
Most are efficeint, others will kill me.
What about you? Have any good battling strategys?

Most of my battling strategies consist of attacking the enemy, dodging when he makes his move, and attacking him. I don't know why, but I feel sort of BA when I dodge an attack and kill the gyuy.
ALttP and WW I just hit things with a boomerang and then sworded them to death

TP, OoT and everything else i just sworded them to death no questions asked

And in SS hold right swing right seems to work without fail.

Not Take Mirror

Sage of Ice
Dec 8, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
I tend to just mindlessly swing my sword at first and if that doesn't work well, I then resort to a strategy. For bosses, almost all of the time it is going to involve use of the dungeon's item somewhere in the battle.

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