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League of Legends

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
I know League is trash, but I play it anyway

Does anyone here play League? Who do you main, why, and what's your favorite role to play?

I call myself the queen of bot lane because I main both marksmen and supports. AD Carry is one of my favorite roles to play, and my personal favorite ADC is Vayne, because her true damage wrecks so hard late game and I love it. My favorite support to play is either Janna or Sona.

My summoner name is Asteria Kairos if anyone wants to add me and play (just let me know who you are).


Apr 22, 2011
played s2 and s3. Would consider myself versatile, I've "mained" (played one champ constantly for weeks/months) way too many champions and played everything there is. So never really been the guy that goes "top/mid/adc or I feed". When I still played, I tried to always switch up what I played since the game simply lasted longer that way for me. 5v5 was fun but 3v3 is just omg. Especially when me & my cousin went duo, shorter, faster, and more intense games.

The longest champion I mained, and my first one, was Riven. She was the most fun, still is today. I started out top with her, but soon realized (that at the time) she was a little too powerful and could be played bot & mid too. After doing mid with Riven for quite a while I started playing AP champs mid like LeBLanc and Lulu. LeBlanc probably comes in second at amount of time spent playing with her.

I really enjoy mid & top, I feel like games are pretty easy to carry even if your team sucks if you get a good start either top or mid (when solo). Although if I'm playing with my cousin (rarely duo with anyone else) we can sometimes go bot (mostly support for my part, Lulu or Nunu) and just carry it from there pretty strongly. I'd like to say that top & mid are my favorites, while AD carry and jungle are least favorite roles.

Can't really tell what my highest ranking would be since I shared my account a few times, but legit I'd be highest at maybe plat III or IV. Although boosted I got to play a few promotional games that could have taken me to diamond, sure it wasn't entirely legit but I was still proud... sort of.


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Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Played it like every DOTA player did in the Great MOBA Exodus, bouncing between WC3 Dota, Heroes of Newerth, and League of Legends. Stopped playing when Dota 2 came out really and the bouncing stopped! I used to play as... Alistair, I think his name was? Played him a lot, and Karth. Never really mained on any, I'm the type of Dota player to just random.

As for my thoughts on it, I think it's a great game that's quick to get into and have fun, but I think it's hard to go to LoL from WC3/Dota 2 since you need to un-learn a lot of stuff, rather than vice versa requiring you to learn more things, and I did feel I was almost taking a step backward and I really dislike the very rigid meta, less dynamic games and much slower pace. Not to say LoL's a bad game, of course, it's great, it's just definitely not for me. :)
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Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Started last July. My "life" has been taken over. I've played literally everyday since I started. League is pretty much all I do now. However I've been so addicted to it that I've been ****ing up in school and my parents got mad so yeah.. I can play any role that's not adc, but I normally play top/mid/supp. My top laners include Cho'gath, Darius, Aatrox, and Mundo. Mid laners are Veigar, Twisted Fate, Nidalee, and Vel'koz. And my supports are usually Blitz and Morg. So ye. My summoner name is Sir Froce. I'm on the NA server. Add me if you want. I just won't be able to get on for a while.
Feb 23, 2011
I tried playing it once. Failed. Guess it just wasn't my cup of tea. I hadn't the slightest that it was still popular nowadays. Draven is neat okay?
I've been playing League since pre-Season 3. I rarely play during the school year, but when I'm off, I tend to play three to five games a day. I've always mained top lane with support as my secondary role. I can mid if I need to, but adc and jungle are rough for me. Nowadays I main Maokai, Sion, Thresh, and Annie. I also enjoy playing ARAM quite a bit to take a break from Summoner's Rift matches.

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