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The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Okay now that is pretty 'tarded I'm not gonna lie. Are their no upgrades featured with the newer ports?
Well they added extras like an animation studio, and two dlc cases you used to have to buy

Even still, I don’t think any game should be more than 60, like with TotK it being 70 dollars didn’t make sense, and this doesn’t either. I love the AA series, but a visual novel series like that shouldn’t be so much money, how many people are gonna wanna pay that much for that set?


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Is that not what they're there for?
Well, like a dork, some of the stuff I was working on had a lot of ties instead of fermatas. When in context, it should be written out as a fermata.

The same piece also has a long section of two strummed out chords, and the strumming pattern is really a rasgueado, a type of classical flamenco guitar strumming pattern that uses a combination of the wrist and fingers.

Sounds great in reality, sounds like ass in Guitar Pro 8. MIDI sounds can only go so far...


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Chevy SSR:

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