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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Speaking of goes hard:

Apr 16, 2021
My brother got the first in the TCG Online game.

Kinda freaky, ngl lol.
Dude, it feels like I haven't seen you in a year around here
My interest in Pokemon has kinda slumped as of late, but these are still pretty cool.

Nah it goes hard.
The new pokemon don't interest me enough to keep up with it much, I only came across this one cus my friend was opening a few packs last night.


Hum dee doo
Mar 30, 2020
Dude, it feels like I haven't seen you in a year around here

The new pokemon don't interest me enough to keep up with it much, I only came across this one cus my friend was opening a few packs last night.
I've been away lol. Went to a school for three months followed by a two month trip to Scandinavia.

lycanroc midnight my beloved
I've always been a Tapu Koko fan, personally.
Apr 16, 2021
bruh i bought my mom a watch through my target acc so she would get a discount, and it made my acc go into the negatives because my dad hadnt sent me the money for it yet, then he did, but then the transaction info disappeared altogether and the money I spent returned without any kind of evidence that it was even taken out on my bank transaction tab, so does this mean free watch???

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