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Just What Are the Monsters Made Of?

Feb 5, 2011
Something I tend to make a quick theory on, but I think it's one I'd like everyone to give me theories on. Just what are the creatures in the Zelda series even made of? When they die, the make a quick explosion and their remains become some kind of dark vapor. I personally think it's like Digimon, when they die, their bodies become data and in some incarnations it returns to the source or some kind of village to eventually be reborn. I always think that's it, that when they die they become their "original form" of what I call dark matter and return to some place, I'm saying the Dark World, to eventually be reborn with no possible memory of their former lives.

What do you think? Do you think they're made of some kind of energy or matter that goes through a process like Digimon? Or do you think I'm crazy and there is a better idea?
May 3, 2012
They are the essence of demise and evil and their souls are released once they are killed. Also they didn't have enough memory on the consoles for a bunch of dead bodies so that's probably why they dissappeared.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Personally, I see them being made of a certain type of evil/dark matter, specifically made by the main antagonist of a certain game. To be even more specific I would think of Ghirahim in Skyward Sword, and Zant in Twilight Princess. Some examples would include Scaldera; when it explodes it emits a dark gas/matter in a diamond pattern. I immediately see this as one of Ghirahim's demonic creations. Another example would be the Shadow Beasts; when all are finally killed, they emit a "Twilight-like" pattern that eventually becomes a warp portal. I also see this as a sign of Zant's evil minions.

Those are just my thoughts.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Why did monsters start to explode anyway? It's stupid. The least they can do is provide some sort of explanation (yeah right). I wish they'd stop. There was so much variety in the way enemies would die in OoT and MM. Skeletal enemies broke apart at their joints. Wolfos clutched their chests, spun around and fell. Bubbles disintegrated into sparkles.

No. Ever since enemies just turn into purple mushroom clouds. Lame. Especially the 100th time it's played, and I get tired of hearing the explosion as well. I think it's so that they don't have to render multiple unique animations for every enemy.
Jan 2, 2012
They're the essence of Demise. On another note, I always thought the exploding then respawning thing was a page out of greek mythology, because mythological monsters did the same thing.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Hmm, I personally think that some monsters can be made out of some mixtures and spices to really bring out the matter of ghouls, demons, goblins, and monsters. Or can be made by Ganondorf by his recipes of horrific demons on the Zelda games. The enemies of bones can be enemies from the dead who can probably worked for Ganondorf or can be hypnotize by some sort of song that can probably be sung by Link or Ganondorf.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Dunno. Depends on the enemy. Like comparing Phantom Ganon to a Moblin or something. One is made of magic, the other is made out of skin, meat, water...etc.

The reason they explode is to signify they are dead, because Nintendo doesn't want to liter your screen with corpses (imagine the horde) and because this is Zelda, not Conker's Bad Fur Day where the enemies could just burst into blood or something. The explosion is a result of the E-T rating the games have.

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