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Spoiler JUST BEAT SKYWARD SWORD!!! (No Rude Comments Plz)

Oct 16, 2012
HOLY COW!!!! I JUST BEAT SKYWARD SWORD!!! I really loved how it ended!! it's so sad how Fi had to leave link in an eternal slumber. Any thoughts? Oh, and no rude comments about how I just finished the game, cause I didn't get the game until my birth-day (feb 12).


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Congratulations on beating the game, TCG! I don't really have any thoughts, though, because you haven't detailed your experiences much with the final battles or anything! xD

I'd love to hear you elaborate on your experience so I can at least congratulate you further! :yes:

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
No reason for anyone to make any rude comments just because you finished the game "now". I know some people who haven't even touched the game yet. Rude comments aren't even allowed here, anyway. They'd be met with an infraction for trolling/flaming. ;)

Also, I agree with you. The ending blew me away. Fi's departure brought a tear to my eye. I thought it was a great conclusion for her. The way the story was wrapped up was pretty neat, and well structured. I really enjoyed it.
May 3, 2012
I picked up the game in April and couldn't put it down until I one hundred percented the game. I enjoyed the whole game and you are right, the ending with Fi was definitely a highlight.(spoiler) I played Twilight Princess and the Wind Waker afterwards and I kept thinking about how Fi was in the Master Sword. I would say SS about ties Ocarina of Time for my favorite game ever.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
OMGZ congrats man, I'm rolling out the redcarpet for you ol'bean. Also anyone notice wolfy hasn't been around much. I sort of miss him.
Oh and well done on beating skyward sword, I'm sure your parents are real proud.


Finding Love by the Moon
May 28, 2012
Macy, Indiana
My first time playing Skyward Sword was so derped up. My second time through went a lot better. I don't remember how long it took me to beat Demise the first time, but the second time only took me 5 minutes to get through Demise. Thank Hylia for that Guardian Potion ;)


Hero of Rhyme
Nov 16, 2012
Lake Hylia
I respect you for taking your time to beat it... I actually Bought the Game on it's Release and Quit my job and Played straight with minimal sleep for 2 weeks straight, beating normal and Hero mode... by the end I looked like Golom from LotR... I was like... "Holy **** it's almost Christmas???"

Congrats Hope you enjoied it as much as I did... I'd be sitting in a chair infront of the TV at 4am on a 3rd floor apartment when a battle would breakout... I'd kick the chair into the corner, jump to my feet and kick some monster ***!!! It was a great game...
Feb 23, 2011
Yeah... don't feel bad about beating it just now. Hell, I played a pirated copy of the game before it was ever released stateside, and I STILL HAVE yet to beat hero mode (after having purchased it legally, and subsequently playing it twice over).
Aug 25, 2012
Indiana, USA
Skyward Sword was one heck of an adventure for me on my first playthrough. Everything about the game was made of gold (metaphorically speaking): the story, the combat, the motion controls, the dungeon design. Have subsequent playthroughs somewhat lowered my stance on it being a "perfect" game? Yeah. Do I acknowledge it's flawed in multiple areas? Yeah, I do. It's still an incredible game on numerous levels, and while it did commit some puzzling mistakes, it also introduced several awesome ideas (like money sinks and the stamina meter) that I'd like to see repeated. Even most of the people who don't like Skyward Sword usually hold it accountable for not feeling like a Zelda game to them (or what a Zelda game should be like), not because it's a bad game in and of itself.

Congratulations on your conquering of Skyward Sword. Now go and kick some more butt in some more Zelda games.

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