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TPHD-Wii U Japanese Official Site Up, Bunch of New Info


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
All the GamePad features they are using were quite expected, quite nice nevertheless, and will make playing through this game again even more pleasant. I prefer aiming the Bow in third-person than from Link's eyes, though.

Funnily enough, mirroring the world for Hero Mode will make it like the Wii version, which some people (like myself) are more familiar with so it will be easier to play through for them compared to the standard way. Double damage doesn't change much on its own since it's easy to avoid damage in TP.

Miiverse stuff is meh. Stamps make all the posts you see feel lazy. I at least hope there is a way to disable seeing them in-game. Usually there is.

I still don't entirely understand what this "Ghost Torch" item does. With it, can you actually catch Poes during daytime or only see where they are at that time? It would be convenient to not have to stand around waiting for nighttime when you have nothing else to do in the area.
May 7, 2015
Funnily enough, mirroring the world for Hero Mode will make it like the Wii version, which some people (like myself) are more familiar with so it will be easier to play through for them compared to the standard way.

That was my first thought as well. They should have called it "Wii Nostalgia mode". XD


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I guess I'll be playing it the Wii way again if I want that hero mode. Its dissapointing as I wanted to have it the proper way around, but since my only major gameplay complaint about the original was it was too easy I'm not going to be playing easy mode when there is a harder one.
Oct 14, 2013
I don't like making the mirrored version hero mode exclusive. You should be able to choose mirrored and non mirrored for both normal and hero mode.
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A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
So there are fifty more things to collect in the entirety of TP.
That's amazing actually. That will fill the world up with more things to do!
I don't actually use them, but they are fantastic for a completionist.
I guess they see fixing a big problem of TP for me as well.
Nov 29, 2015
I am actually really excited about this game. I really cannot wait for it to come out. I wonder if the ganondorf mode works with the hero mode.
Mirrored mode for the wii lovers. That is a mode that I wont be using at all.

Nice that you can pin-point the poes, but it does rather defeat the object of looking and exploring in an exploration game. Don't have to use it I suppose, just like you dont need to use the map to find the owl statues.

Still looking forward to it even though I still play my GC version regularly.

I would have included an item that turns night to day and vice versa since Poe hunting can be irritating when you find one at the break of dawn and it disappears.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I don't like making the mirrored version hero mode exclusive. You should be able to choose mirrored and non mirrored for both normal and hero mode.

I reckon they wanted to keep it in line with Master Quest. At least the 3DS version. I can't remember if it was mirrored on Gamecube. Regardless, I'm happy they didn't waste the mirrored world they already had created.
Aug 12, 2015
True but what about the folk who want an easier game? They can't play mirrored and normal on easy. They have to hit up hero mode for mirrored.

Pardon my ignorance, but is there actually anyone who would want an easier Twilight Princess?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Aaaaand they completely ruined hero mode...oh well, it's better to do a three heart challenge anyway.

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