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Is This the Last Legend of Zelda Game in the Series?

Feb 15, 2011
In Hyrule Field
I'm not sure if there is already a thread about this but i'm posting it anyways. Skyward Sword came out on November 20th, (I know because i bought it the day it came out). I thought came to me, will this be the very last title in the series? I hope that Nintendo will continue with the tradition and has never dissapointed. If this is the case, i just want to hear your comments on the topic and that will help greatly. Thanks everyone at Zelda Dungeon for their hard work and contributions. Thanks again, link7


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
We have already been almost as good as promised a HD Zelda title for the WiiU in the future, it is also safe to assume that the 3DS will be getting a Zelda title of its own in the not-too-distant future. Skyward Sword had astronomical sales as has the rest of the series, and there is no reason for Nintendo to stop any time soon.

In the Zelda series, there is not much of an overreaching plot arc, so it is easy to add on the series by setting a game in the distant past or future, unlike other series where there almost needs to be a reason to continue the plot in order to make another game and not have it come out looking like it was just a money grab.

You will almost certainly not be disappointed with the direction Nintendo is going if you like immersive and realistic gaming experiences, and Legend of Zelda has a lot of more fuel before it burns out. Expect more Zelda titles unless there is a really good reason not to. Right now there is no reason not to make another game but plenty of reasons to do it.
Dec 3, 2011
Aonuma has said that they are definitely working on Zelda Wii U right now, and also that they are working on a new Zelda for 3DS. Besides those, we've heard that Miyamoto and Aonuma both want to remake ALttP in 3D (as a 3D classics? or as a 3D styled game?) and they've both basically confirmed that Majora's Mask 3D at some point, but have said that they want the next Zelda on the 3DS to be original. So my guess is we'll see this new 3DS Zelda in about a year and then Majora's Mask 3D about a year after that.

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