I used to have a placement for the CD-i games in my timeline theory. The idea was that after a timeline split caused in one reality where Link stays to eternally defend Koholint, an alternate universe is formed. That alternate universe was ruled by Ganon, since Link was unable to save it, and later a new Link traveled between one world and the other, and it was known as the Dark World in his realm. I forget the rest of the details, but somehow the Dark World needed to take a dump, and doing so created yet another alternate world where the CD-i games existed. I wouldn't lump the cartoon into this universe, though, since it was the kind of bad that's hilarious and the CD-i games are just regular bad. Like the first time you hear "I'm so hungry I could eat an Octorok," that's pretty funny, but that's literally the most intelligent dialogue in the entire goddamn game.