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Is Ash Immortal?


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house on Earth.
Ash is not immortal. He is simply having a coma dream. Simply put, when he got struck by lightning in Episode 1, he got put into a coma, and began dreaming everything that happened. It is explained (very well, I might add) here.
Ash is not immortal. He is simply having a coma dream. Simply put, when he got struck by lightning in Episode 1, he got put into a coma, and began dreaming everything that happened. It is explained (very well, I might add) here.

He is not immortal, and the coma theory is far to elaborate for something that is so simple: bad writing. It's not some subliminal message or great illusion they've been building up it's just bad writing.


Original PD
Site Staff
Oct 2, 2011
Ash has been 10 years old since 1998. The kid never ages, and goes on so many adventures to never get older. It's amazing how in every region he goes to his Pikachu magically goes back to level 5 again.
Dec 19, 2011
well im pretty sure everyone knows that he is IMMORTAL. i mean who can stay 10 YEARS OLD FOR 16 YEARS? Not only that, but everyone else is the same age, too. There was never a birthday episode other than the very first, right? Fact is, Ash is actually a 26 year old man who has, like Bella Swan, been in the mental hospital ever since he was 10 because an accident with his Pikachu created a horrible disruption in his brain for him to form his own world in his forever sleep. The reason why we see it on TV is that Ash always whispering about it in random spasms so television producers record then create episodes. THE END.
Dec 29, 2011
Pokemon's been going on for years and Ashe has never aged. He's been hit by pikachu's thunderbolts many times as well as charizard's flamethrowers, but still lives on. Definitely immortal :P


Chaos Kourney
Apr 5, 2012
People think that Ash is on this journey to become a Pokemon master, but that's just covering his true intentions.

His true motivations is to travel around the world befriending young, female Pokemon Trainers only to leave them and to steal their youth.

There begins the never-ending tale of the eternal Pokemon Master.

Oh god, it's TRUE! :lol:
Dec 21, 2011
Vernon Hills, Illinois
I don't think Ash was dead. Just in suspended animation. Also, I think time passes slower in the pokemon universe than in the real universe. That's why Ash still looks the same. There hasn't been much time to age but there has for his voice to change.
Dec 19, 2011
Yes, yes he is... Ash is immortal....
It is not like time is not passing... If you go back to the first season of Pokemon, when he returns to Pallet Town, it actually says "oh one year has passed"... so time is going by... However that being said... in though days there were ANIMALS and EUROPE... so who knows :P
Half think Ash is going to continue doing this same sha-bang every couple of years of find another little girl, fry her bike to travel with her for a while until he gets tired of her then move on to next one... :P :P :P


Hero of Hoenn
Apr 9, 2012
The Land Between Regions
People think that Ash is on this journey to become a Pokemon master, but that's just covering his true intentions.

His true motivations is to travel around the world befriending young, female Pokemon Trainers only to leave them and to steal their youth.

There begins the never-ending tale of the eternal Pokemon Master.

Here's an image to prove your point. http://i.imgur.com/myorE.jpg
May 5, 2012
Who cares if he should be 26 years old in real time. If Ash was ever replaced all the viewers would RAGEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's True.

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