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Breath of the Wild Interesting Idea: Arbiter's Grouds Return


Ancient Automaton
Feb 2, 2012

Today I was thinking in the Zelda places that would look amazing in HD, and the Arbiter's Grouds came into my mind inmediatly,

One of the most interesting and mysterious places in the entire Series in full HD. What do you think?

And for making the whole thing more interesting: We know that in the time of Twilight Princess the Arbiter's Grounds is condemned and destroyed, so , in the Wii U Zelda, they could show us the "Just Inaugurated" Arbiter's Grouds. The place in its original glory, with people on it. Its a great opportunity for clearing up some of the mysteries of the place, like the goddess of sand statue, the death sword, the relationship with the spirit temple... and why not a living version of Stallord?


I love my idea-


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Interesting, but I think that would take away the creepiness of it. I call it the "Dungeon of Nightmares": Ghosts, skeletons, monsters that are pretty freaky, rats, ghost rats. Things that scare people. I found it scarier than the Shadow Temple. So no, sorry, I don't think a "living" Arbiter's Grounds would be ideal, honestly.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Interesting, but I think that would take away the creepiness of it. I call it the "Dungeon of Nightmares": Ghosts, skeletons, monsters that are pretty freaky, rats, ghost rats. Things that scare people. I found it scarier than the Shadow Temple. So no, sorry, I don't think a "living" Arbiter's Grounds would be ideal, honestly.

I'm in inclined to agree...but then again, Okamiden did that with the Ghost Ship...and, to me, that only made the real thing scarier.


Jul 1, 2012

The grounds itself are not destroyed....It is meant to house the most evil of entities, the fact that the inside is crawling with stalfos and other enemies like poes is very reasonable. Do you think that a lot of the enemies would have laid quietly deep within the prison? It's unlikely that this structure was nothing more than what it was in Twilight Princess....It was stated that these Ancient Grounds were housed by the council of sages, were they would execute or put convicted criminals through a series of trials, that's as to why we see the traps within the Dungeon itself.

So I do think that this Dungeon was not meant to be anything other than how it appears in Twilight Princess. People may make connections between this and the Spirit Temple but this is just speculation at best.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
The Arbiter's Grounds is likely a location Nintendo will revisit but in a different form. In theorist county, it's surmised the Arbiter's Grounds is the Spirit Temple from Ocarina of Time. A latter version of the complex would be appreciated.

I'd also like to see Stallord return or a similar fossil creature replacement. Link's Crossbow Training showcased there are still many interesting possibilities with this design.
Could be nice but instead of seeing it in its glory days how about if we ever do go back there that its just even creepier next time :P

Arbiter's Grounds didnt freak me out at all and i just saw it as a sand dungeon but the Re-dead knights were kind of freaky when they rose up. It'd be nice to see a place like Arbiter's Grounds in HD, Nintendo need to show how scary they can be.
Nov 25, 2012
Monkey Island
Nice idea! In fact, I think a return to any iconic dungeon in general could work out very nicely. Of course we don't want to do the same puzzles all over again, so it would be in a different time period. Maybe it wouldn't be a dungeon at all. It would be a nice way to connect ZeldaU to another game in the timeline, plus, it would be great nostalgia.

I don't understand why people think the OP's idea would take away the creepiness, in fact, I think the just-inaguarated Arbiter's Ground might be even creepier. A jail/execution ground for Hyrule's worst criminals? My only concern is that it would be too creepy for the intended audience. Some of the other stuff the OP mentions, like explaining the story behind the death sword and seeing a flesh-and-blood Stallord sound absolutely wicked. It would just be so epic to play ZeldaU, go back and play TP, and say, "Hehehe, I know how this all started!!"


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