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If you were to have one Zelda item in real life. What would it be?

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
If you were to choose one Zelda item out of the whole series, which one would it be.
For me it would be the majoras mask.

Ooh good idea! Then you can condemn the earth to the fiery fate that termina had!

I would take Pegasus boots from Oot so I could get to places while walking on air.


Ace Adventurer/Truth Seeker
Nov 30, 2017
I know a lot of people will probably say the same thing, but... hookshots/clawshots. It's mostly due to the fact that my favorite comic superhero is Spiderman, a character who can climb walls, shoot webs, swing from them, and zoom to walls using them. Being able to do all of that in real life ould be so cool, and the hookshots/clawshots represent those desires.


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
I would also say fairies, so that I could be healed/revived if and when necessary. The magic cape is tempting as well- having the power of invisibility would be incredibly useful!

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