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If you could have a C item (or C item equivalent for non 64 games) in real life, which would it be?

May 5, 2022
Non Binary
I would say the Fierce Deity's Mask, but while I personally like the idea that Majora's Mask was full of itself when it called the mask evil, I do have a theory that it actually is evil, and Link having the Triforce of Courage in the Child Timeline is the only reason he didn't get corrupted by it, and I'm not taking that chance.

So I'll say something else. I really love the Great Fairy's Sword, but it is just a sword, so I'll say the Mask of Truth.

I forget exactly what was said (and whether it was said in OoT or MM), but the Happy Mask Salesman says it can be used to read minds, but shouldn't be any trouble in the hands of just a child, implying it gets stronger the more developed your brain is. This is why some people think the Poe Collector in OoT is the HMS, because he can read Link's mind, and has a single red eye, like what would be present if he were wearing the Mask of Truth.

So being able to read minds, while also concealing my face (and thus identity) behind the mask, would be pretty neat, and can actually see use in modern society.

How about you? What C item would you like to own in real life?
May 5, 2022
Non Binary
Fishing rod
At first I questioned this, but not only is it significantly easier to catch fish with a Zelda fishing rod than a real one, but it also is one of the least suspicious options, thus one of the least likely to draw unwanted attention to yourself.
Would be kinda funny to have Deku Nuts and use them like Shiek and Impa to seemingly disappear. Just stunning people and then walk away while they "thaw out" :ninja:
I like stuff like this, but keep in mind that most Deku Nuts come from evil plant monsters, so to get more, you'll either need to dish out a large chunk of cash because of how expensive they'd be (due to the high risk of farming them), or start a farm of them yourself and risk dying every time you go to collect some.

You prepared for that?
May 5, 2022
Non Binary
Goron or Zora Mask

I was thinking Fierce Diety I’m having trouble thinking of a use for it IRL.

If you can safely store the sword, you could be an Olympic level jumper. This isn't easy to notice, since you normally can only use it in boss battles, but if you use glitches (or a cheating device) to use him anywhere, you'll see he jumps, like really far. There is a glitch using bombs to boost your jump distance, but even Zora Link bomb boosted jump distance pales in comparison to normal FD Link jump distance.

I wouldn't go with Zora Mask though. You may be a great swimmer, but you will die to anything dangerous, since even 3 heart Link is a huge level of durabilty, since he can survive blows from a massive arachnid (Gohma), so you will not want to go into the ocean with real human durability.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I guess that we’re assuming that these items would work in real life in exactly the same way that they do in game so…

You are all wrong. Just give me the Ocarina of Time. I could figure out how to play the prelude of light and warp through dimensions to Hyrule. From there I could get any Zelda item that I’d ever want. When I want to come back I’ll just play the song of soaring and come back to the Owl statue that I placed in my house for some reason.

That’s called gaming the system.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Hyoi pears. I live in a city by the sea so this would be so useful. I would plant the seeds from the pears and grow a Hyoi pear tree so that I have an annual supply of pears then I would use seagulls to terrorise my enemies. They will think that God has it in for them and flee the city.

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I'd have to go with the Spinner from Twilight Princess, or the Clawshots.

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