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If Hyrule and the lands around it from any games were placed onto North America, what parts of the continent would be similar to those regions?

Jul 9, 2024
On a Map, what regions do you think would have the most similarities with each of the above Hyrulean regions in terms of Terrain, Climate and Biomes?


Particularly these regions:
  • Hyrule Kingdom (any)
  • Gerudo (any)
  • Faron (any)
  • Lanayru (any)
  • Eldin (any)
  • Tabantha (BotW)
  • Hebra (BotW)
  • Necluda (Botw)
  • Akkala (BotW)
  • Ordona (TP)
And whatever lands featured in Echoes of Wisdom...

Although not part of Hyrule...
  • Holodrum
  • Labrynna

The first five are labelled any to denote that they appeared in multiple titles

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
Oregon has the deepest natural lakes (and clearest), valleys, snowcapped peaks, volcanoes, big cities, small towns, shoreline, the largest and smallest rivers, North America's tallest sand dunes, glaciers, rainforest, coniferous and deciduous forests, high desert, the most distinct Seasons since it's on the 45th parallel, agriculture and industry, a few canyons, subduction and volcanic mountain ranges, lots of caves, hot springs, geysers, a Twilight realm, permanent snowpack, the most waterfalls of any state, swampland, extreme biodiversity...basically, if you want to fit Hyrule into North America, the Northwest has you taken care of.

Also, Canada is basically Calatia: rarely mentioned and inconsequential, possibly even apocryphal.
Last edited:
Jul 9, 2024
Oregon has the deepest natural lakes (and clearest), valleys, snowcapped peaks, volcanoes, big cities, small towns, shoreline, the largest and smallest rivers, North America's tallest sand dunes, glaciers, rainforest, coniferous and deciduous forests, high desert, the most distinct Seasons since it's on the 45th parallel, agriculture and industry, a few canyons, subduction and volcanic mountain ranges, lots of caves, hot springs, geysers, a Twilight realm, permanent snowpack, the most waterfalls of any state, swampland, extreme biodiversity...basically, if you want to fit Hyrule into North America, the Northwest has you taken care of.

Also, Canada is basically Calatia: rarely mentioned and inconsequential, possibly even apocryphal.
So how about Holodrum and Labrynna?
Jul 9, 2024
Ok. I've started making a map based on this ideas and I got the placement of some of the regions in place, but I don't know where to place these last 4 regions since i don't really know what parts of the continent are geographically similar to them...


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