I think i got every thing about EV's and Egg moves,but i don't know what IV's are,how they affect our pokemons and how do you see them(or are they like EV's and can't be seen?)Also how do you get them?
From what I understand IV's are initially set on your Pokemon and unalterable. There are calculators out there to determine the IV's on a Pokemon, but it's otherwise un-determinable. IV's are similar to EV's and go on a 0-31 scale which determine your Pokemons stats. i.e. a Flygon with 31 Attack IV's will have a higher attack than one with 29 IV's. My knowledge is limited on it, and the only time that IV's truly seem to matter is on simulators like Pokemon Online.
Psypoke Tools :: IV Calculator
here's a calculator for it, but I don't completely understand it myself. Seems like it only matters if you wanna have a certain Hidden Power move though, as I don't see much of a difference in battling pokes with full IVs or not
Here's a calculator that might help, but I don't fully grasp how it works either. It seems to be mainly for those who care about getting a specific Hidden Power move. For most battles, max IVs seem to work just fine