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Hylian Language...


Hero of Something...
May 21, 2010
Is it actually possible to learn new and old Hylian, if so could someone tell me how?:)
Hylian is based off the Japanese Katana. The pronunciation is the same and all the syllables are the same, just with different symbols. So by using the correct fonts, you can coordinate Japanese translations into Hylian. Not being able to speak/write in Japanese can be a barrier, however, there are online translators and sites. Here is what I use to translate into Hylian:

Step 1: Online Translator (since I cannot speak Japanese)
Step 2: Convert to Japanese Syllables
Step 3: Translate to Hylian:
...........Old Hylian (Ocarina of Time)
...........Modern Hylian (Wind Waker)

Note: You can obtain the Hylian fonts on several Zelda Fansites such as Zelda Universe.
Yes, it is a long process... but that is the only way I am aware of...

Edit: The simplest one, from Twilight Princess, can be decrypted here. This one is actually an English-based one.
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If you want the written play twice WW,wrote the Hylian and hope not to mess up while translating XD


I'm back!!
Hmm, learning Hylian is actually an easy thing.
You can learn it at Zeldapedia, as said before, or you could, for example, in Ocarina of Time, enter the Lon Lon Ranch, and check how "Lon Lon Ranch" is written, then write the letters in Hylian somewhere and compare them to the words in Lon Lon Ranch, and that way you'll slowly learn old and new Hylian.

P.S. It is better to check at Zeldapedia, it's way difficult to learn Hylian the way I said :P

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