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How Would You Spend Your Final Days?


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
Kind of an old thread to be revived....

Anyway, I wouldn't be like most people and do the whole "OMG spend time with loved ones and cherish the last moments with them!". No way. If it's my very last three days, then I'm going to do whatever I want. I'll eat a crapload of junkfood, I'll not bother getting dressed or doing my hair, and I'll probably just sit and play video games. When I'm not doing those, I'll just sleep and sleep and sleep and not go to work. I'd want my last days to be all for me.... I wouldn't focus on anybody else at all. Call me selfish if you will, but I can't see myself wasting time on others if my life is going to end soon. I'd like to enjoy every last bit of what I have left in whatever way I feel most comfortable.... and that means pigging out and sleeping and gaming.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
I would hope that I had school all three days, that way I could say some goodbyes, but also because there is this girl that I always give money to. Even though we would both perish, I would give her the rest of my money that way I know I did something good at the end of my life. I would also pray for most of the day. Actually, to tell you the truth, after I give that girl the money, I would leave school and go to my church to pray until I die. I want to die in a sacred place. This topic has just made me cry. I would really like to just be alone for the most part, with my Zelda games.


i would write a letter just in case any new generation of people were to come or perhaps aliens. i would carve a message in diamond with differnt languages. and spend quality time with the ones i love and my closest friends.do whatever i want maybe even help stop the moon from crashing. thats what i would do.


..and all things will end
Mar 24, 2010
look behind you
i would click my dragons. hey, thats a pretty good idea! why dont we all do it, i mean the dragons will die too, we should give them a chance to hatch and live!

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