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How Would You Improve Stamina Use in the Future?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
If I'm completely honest, I don't really think I want it back, not because I think it's bad (I don't think that) but because it doesn't really do anything particularly beneficial.

All the Stamina did was limit Link's ability to sprint and climb. Imagine having a Stamina Gauge in Assassin's Creed; the game would be unplayable. Zelda is similar in the way that you're always gonna be moving as fast as you possibly can. This is why there have been so many tricks and even glitches discovered to help you get around faster. So to give us a sprint function but then limit it in such a way just stunted the ability to sprint, as far as I see it. Why give us one thing only to limit it with another?

So from my experience on Skyward Sword, the Stamina Gauge stunted the welcome inclusion of a Sprint and was completely redundant when applied to climbing. So I suppose I have no idea how they would improve it beyond just getting rid of it. It was a nice idea but I think it doesn't really have a place in The Legend of Zelda.
This is essentially my opinion. I find the Stamina Gauge to be completely redundant as far as The Legend of Zelda is concerned; it offers no benefits and it certainly stifles creativity with runs through the game. Through my experience with Skyward Sword, where most puzzles and objectives were little more beyond "get from point A to point B in a straight line with a few angles here and there", the stamina gauge just limited my fun and of course made "strategic" runs even more bothersome.

The way I see it, the Stamina Gauge could only be beneficial (and making it beneficial is how I'd improve it) if the Zelda game in question was a turn based RPG of some sort; in a real-time action adventure series it limits the gameplay and creates several issues (read: redundancy) that SHOULD be non-issues. So, there you have it: I'd improve the stamina gauge by making the next game a turn-based RPG. :)

To improve the dash meter I'd want them not to assign nearly every single movement Link makes to depleting it.
It could also do with a charge mechanic too for stronger attacks or burst running (kind of like pegasus boots)

I really agree with Spirit's notions; should the stamina gauge come back as it did in Skyward Sword, I'd like for it not to be assigned to every single moment Link makes. Why? It becomes tedious, not fun, and really just in the way (as it is, for me). The bit about a charge mechanic would be GREAT! Just think about all the possibilities with charging sword slashes, spin attacks, and maybe even Hidden Skills!

Oh, one last thing. If it DOES come back (and I'm crossing fingers that it doesn't), I'd love for the Roll to be much more efficient than sprinting. Sprinting takes much more energy out of you in the real world than rolling does, and although rolling is technically more dangerous (head injuries, go figure), it's more efficient IRL. Transfer that to the game world, huh?
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Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I really agree with Spirit's notions; should the stamina gauge come back as it did in Skyward Sword, I'd like for it not to be assigned to every single moment Link makes. Why? It becomes tedious, not fun, and really just in the way (as it is, for me). The bit about a charge mechanic would be GREAT! Just think about all the possibilities with charging sword slashes, spin attacks, and maybe even Hidden Skills!

1) It's not applied to every motion. Only the strenuous movements use it.

2) So you don't want it to apply to every motion -- much less don't even want it back for reasons I can't understand -- yet you want to see it used with things like the Hidden Skills? Not to be rude, but it's getting old finding contradictions/holes in your views.

Oh, one last thing. If it DOES come back (and I'm crossing fingers that it doesn't), I'd love for the Roll to be much more efficient than sprinting. Sprinting takes much more energy out of you in the real world than rolling does, and although rolling is technically more dangerous (head injuries, go figure), it's more efficient IRL. Transfer that to the game world, huh?


Rolling takes WAY more energy than sprinting does. It also gets you where you're going slower in every possible way (IRL). Rolling is a stupid method of travel that has been left behind for the better. I'd just accept it if I were you.


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
I'm thinking maybe giving it a little more durability. I still liked the SS stamina bar, but that would be something I would personally change.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
2) So you don't want it to apply to every motion -- much less don't even want it back for reasons I can't understand -- yet you want to see it used with things like the Hidden Skills? Not to be rude, but it's getting old finding contradictions/holes in your views.

Ventus saying he wants a way to charge Hidden Skills is not the same as saying he wants Stamina to apply to every action. When he mentioned the Hidden Skills he was not talking about them in the context of Stamina but in the context of charging up a powerful attack. He did not contradict himself.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ventus saying he wants a way to charge Hidden Skills is not the same as saying he wants Stamina to apply to every action. When he mentioned the Hidden Skills he was not talking about them in the context of Stamina but in the context of charging up a powerful attack. He did not contradict himself.

Spirit's charging suggestion involved the Stamina Gauge and Ventus said he agreed. It was a contradiction by definition.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
1) It's not applied to every motion. Only the strenuous movements use it.
2) yet you want to see it used with things like the Hidden Skills?
3)Not to be rude, but it's getting old finding contradictions/holes in your views.
1) Slashing with a sword is a strenuous movement and regularly slashing isn't bound by the stamina gauge. Why apply it to the Spin Attack? I can understand climbing and sprinting, though.
2) Yes. I said "I really agree with Spirit's notions; should the stamina gauge come back as it did in Skyward Sword, I'd like for it not to be assigned to every single moment Link makes." I was exaggerating when I said 'every single moment', but what I was specifically talking about in that instance was the Spin Attack; the Kaitengiri is my main method of attacking. I don't want the gauge to be applied to the spin attack as it isn't applied to regular sword strikes. However, many hidden skills (for example the Mortal Draw) at least LOOK like they'd take some energy to start up (so stamina would be applicable there at least), and charging them up to take more stamina makes EFFICIENT usage of the stamina gauge, in my opinion.
3) So...don't. :I


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ventus said:
Slashing with a sword is a strenuous movement and regularly slashing isn't bound by the stamina gauge. Why apply it to the Spin Attack? I can understand climbing and sprinting, though.

1) Yeah, but you're doing that more than anything in the combat. Technically speaking, jogging for a while would be strenuous eventually, yet it never tires Link out. It's all about gameplay perspective. Basic movements don't require stamina. Advanced movements do.

2) Climbing and sprinting yet not a Spin Attack? An attack that would otherwise be easy to abuse and would take a huge amount of effort to pull off? The Spin Attack is where stamina makes the most sense.

Ventus said:
[more] EFFICIENT usage of the stamina gauge

That was the entire point of this thread.
Apr 10, 2012
I think it would be cool to sort of upgrade your stamina so to say like it decreases slower or it increases. Nothing too drastic, I thought stamina sort of added a element of challenge to the game and I think that sprinting without would just make you breeze through the game.


Sage of Tales
I found the Stamina Gauge in Skwyard Sword both interesting and annoying. Annoying because I wondered what something like this was doing in a Zelda game when there hadn't been anything like it before. (I like my green potions to refill a magic meter, dangit)! Interesting because it seemed like it was borrowed from another game...

... Shadow of the Colossus to be exact. SotC was *all about* its stamina gauge, though. The player character didn't have any fancy gadgets or magical help... he was just a (clumbsy) young man with a sword and a bow with limitless arrows. The game was all about fighting enormous bosses that he had to pace his stamina rating to hang onto. Since "stamina" was pretty well the largest part of that game, your stamina gauge increased slightly with every battle and there was the option of killing the local wildlife to get your hands on small, permenent stamina-boosts. (There was a way to decrease your stamina, but you had to have a stupid amount of it in the first place to reach the area where you get it).

In other words, in that game, a stamina gauge was used well, but it fit that game. It just doesn't seem to fit a Legend of Zelda game and all of the puzzles and areas where stamina would run out if you didn't run into a strategically-placed radioactive fruit seemed contrived. However, if it were to appear in further games of the series, I'd like to see Nintendo take some lessons from SotC and make the gauge upgradable by increment, have it be an option (you kill a certain kind of enemy and collect a certain kind of thing from them), and to have it downgradable (perhaps by killing a different kind of enemy and taking something else from them). That's really all I can think of for a meter that just felt out of place in the series to me.
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The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
Honestly it just needs to be upgrade-able. Sure you could buy potions that decreased the rate at which your stamina went down, but that's it. I'd actually prefer it to just be like in Shadow of the Colossus. Obviously Nintendo isn't going to rip the game off and have all the bosses be huge and climbable, but the fact that you could increase your stamina bar was brilliant. It allowed for the game to have lots of secrets that were out of reach unless you had a maxed out stamina bar.

In Skyward Sword, there was never a fear that you were going to run out of stamina while climbing. The stamina fruit were provided for you very often and usually when you were only at about half stamina. Very rarely did your stamina run out right as you got to a safe ledge. So yeah that's really the only way I see to make it better. Either get rid of it or allow it to be upgraded.

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