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How Much Do You Know About Computers?

How much do you know about computers?

  • I am a computer genius

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  • I am very smart with computers

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  • I am fairly knowlageable

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  • I only know the basics

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  • Whats a computer?

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Apr 4, 2012
Seattle, WA
I know some but not enough to fix it or anything. I wish i new more about them though! Sadly i have to ask my dad with even spelling words lol XD
Oct 20, 2008
I think that there is an inherent problem in a question like "How much do you know about computers?". Well, what do you mean? Ultimately, "computers" comes down to hardware, but there are many layers between hardware and the end result that you see on your monitor, screen, hand-held, etc. If you say "How much do you know about software engineering?" or "Networking, network engineering, programming", and so on, that is more specific. But "programming" is in and of itself somewhat nebulous. Essentially, it comes down to a paradigm of realizing problems and challenges, and finding logcially structured solutions to such. How you do that depends on what you're trying to do, and what language(s) you're using to get there. You wouldn't use PHP for system programming, and wouldn't use Assembly for web development, etc.

Personally I would say I know a fair amount, but not a whole lot. I can program in C++, PHP, and Python a bit, as well as a little bit of Perl. I also am familiar with Tcl, shell scripting, MySQL/SQL, and of course markup/styling like (X)HTML and CSS. I am usually pretty good at troubleshooting, mainly on Linux or other UNIX/BSD based systems. I think this is in part because I spend a lot of time understanding how things work, and to me, Linux is wonderful for that. I would actually consider Linux a way of approching computing than an OS (which holds some truth, it is a kernel, not a complete OS). I've built several computers, and know a fair amount about hardware, but more about software. I wouldn't consider myself to know a lot in either, but I do know a decent amount. Really, the more you delve into any field of Computer Science, the more you realize you don't know. There's always something to learn, and I think that makes it really fun. You always find out something new when you go play around with computers.


Jun 20, 2011
In a tree house.
I know alot about computers, my dad has taught me everything i know. if there is a bug, or virus on the computer i can get it off of it. also, my mom and sister have to call me to fix their computers atleast twice a week. so i think im pretty good at them. i could still learn lots more though.


They call me Ammi
Oct 16, 2011
I'm no wiz or anything as far as computers come but I do have a few tricks when it comes to technology. Mainly because I'm a hacker. But more so because I took an interest in technology ay a smaller age. I would take things apart all the time just for the sheer enjoyment of finding out what every little part does to contribute to the whole and once I knew what did what, I would reassemble the device. Eventually it became second nature to me, so as far as fixing computers goes I'm your guy when it comes to hardware as far as most software goes I am still fairly knowledgeable.
Oct 16, 2011
I know almost nothing about hardware. Only that my computer sucks. But, I have a good amount of programing knowledge in several languages. I voted I am fairly knowledgeable but people could say I am very smart with computers. If you count calculators, which are technically computers, that's a + for me. Most of what I know about them comes from a friend and I also have actually made a few games for a ti-83/84 that another somewhat knowledgeable friend likes which means a lot from some one who is normally indifferent. It was made in an unofficial language that few people know of called axe.

I still don't know any assembly so I am still missing the processing basics/most basic (not basic) form of programing.
Apr 4, 2012
I have average knowlage in computers.
I am trying to spend less time around it more time in outside world,but it is tough to let old friend go :P
Aug 15, 2011
somewhere beyond your screen
I am fairly knowledgeable with computers. Im a freshmen in high school and I am going to get an IC3 certification. Also I know the basics to building a computer and getting one to work. Finally I can small computer problems and viruses and stuff.
nuff said.
Nov 30, 2011
I know how to work well with a computer and how to figure out any problems I have with it. I'm currently learning Python and I'm going to start learning C++ soon. I'd say I'm fairly knowledgeable.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I can edit a few settings in a ini file so I guess that makes me a computer genius !
May 2, 2012
I can take one apart and build it again, but there's no specification in the question so I'm just going to assume you mean in general. I know a lot but I could learn a lot more.


Thrilla in Manilla
Apr 12, 2012
I am pretty proficient in computer architecture but know next to nothing on the programming side. I would like to learn more of the programming side and am actually going to school for that. I am also great at troubleshooting which prompts family and family friends to contact me with all their problems with their machines.

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