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Breath of the Wild How many hours is in BOTW?

Jan 16, 2021
Hey all, I've only been playing four weeks now and have recently just defeated Gannon. I love the game so much that I just keep playing and there still seems to be plenty to do.

Question, how long have you guys been playing and is there really still alot of play time left?

Mar 17, 2020
I’m playing the BotW now for about the fourth time.
First time I played it right through the ending was ok.
Second time, the finish was better.
Last time I made sure I got all of the memories and most of the quests and some of the Trial of the Sword (couldn’t get too far kept getting killed) and the finish was the best so far.
I play it every day for several hours and have been playing it now for about 24 months!

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