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How Many Dungeons Should a Zelda Game Have?

How Many Dungeons Should a Zelda Game Have?

  • 4-6 (Like Majora's Mask)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7-9 (Like Ocarina of Time)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10-12 (Like Twilight Princess if counting the Cave of Ordeals)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 13+ (Like A Link to the Past)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dec 21, 2011
I'm the only person so far to vote this, but 4-6 is good. As much as I like dungeons, having less of them means having more side-quests like pieces of heart. This was one of the greatest things about Majora's Mask.


The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
My idea of the perfect number of dungeons is 11 for one plant-based dungeon, one fire-based, one water-based, one technology/metal/electricity-based, one earth/sand-based, one ice-based, one sky/air-based, one time-based (the Temple of Time), one light-based, one darkness/shadow-based, and of course, Hyrule Castle / Ganon's Castle, or something along those lines as the last dungeon.
Dec 21, 2011
My idea of the perfect number of dungeons is 11 for one plant-based dungeon, one fire-based, one water-based, one technology/metal/electricity-based, one earth/sand-based, one ice-based, one sky/air-based, one time-based (the Temple of Time), one light-based, one darkness/shadow-based, and of course, Hyrule Castle / Ganon's Castle, or something along those lines as the last dungeon.
This is what I liked about TP. It didn't have 2 of any type of dungeon. It had what you mentioned, minus the technology/metal/electricity-based one.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I went with 13+, but I have a caveat. I don't think all dungeons should be required to be beaten in order to finish the game and some should be optional challenges with cool rewards. This way the game won't drag on for people. I really like how some Zelda games utilize mini-dungeons and that's a good way to add dungeon areas in smaller doses. Majora's Mask was excellent in this respect with cool areas like the Pirate's Fortress and the Ancient Castle of Ikana. Diversity is a good thing as well- Ocarina of Time is a good example of this. It had three child dungeons that were totally different from the five adult temples. The child dungeons didn't contain any keys so they were like navigating natural locations. The temples all had keys and were more challenging. OOT also had two mini-dungeons tied into the main quest and another (the Gerudo Training Grounds) just as side content. Adding in the final dungeon that's twelve dungeon-like areas.

Going back to my optional dungeon idea there is one good example I can think of from past Zelda games. The Bottom of the Well from Ocarina of Time is very unique in that it's item is practically required on your first playthrough but isn't actually necessary to complete the game. Since the mini-dungeon exists solely for its item and gold skulltulas, the entire mini-dungeon can potentially be skipped. More instances of dungeons or mini-dungeons that contain items that are practically required but not actually required would vastly enhance replay value of games. There could be dungeons later in the game that could have different paths depending on whether or not you completed the optional dungeon.
Dec 21, 2011
I went with 13+, but I have a caveat. I don't think all dungeons should be required to be beaten in order to finish the game and some should be optional challenges with cool rewards.
MM was this way when you take into account the Skultulla dungeons.
May 2, 2012
Maybe 13 main dungeons, I would like to see some expansion to the tiny secret areas you find in the game. I hate to bring this up but you know all these random caves you find in Skyrim during quests? Something like that would be fun in Zelda, I remember reading about Miyamoto's adventures as a child. I would love for Nintendo to expand upon that now that they have the technology, instead of the Zelda formula we've had for the past few years. But then again it's just my opinion, anyone is free to argue with me about it.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
Yes I want lots of dungeons, but I don't want the dungeons to feel unnecessary, pointless, or similar in any way to other dungeons in the game. So in theory I would want as many dungeons as possible, but I'd rather have them be quality dungeons
Nov 29, 2011
New Jersey
8 sounds like a good number, but I just wish boss battles would be more difficult and longer, nothing would be more fun then really battling and struggling to keep alive.


Zelda Masta
Nov 4, 2011
Canada EH
In my opinion, the more, the better. However they need to be unique dungeons and not be repetive so that the players dont get bored


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
4. Exactly 4.

When there are 8 dungeons, you may get some creative central mechanics to deal with, but due to development restrictions, the dungeons are shorter and those creative mechanics aren't given time to breathe. The reason that Majora's Mask's dungeons are among the best in the series is that they are long enough to allow these central mechanics to work to their full extent rather than ending right when they get interesting. The pillar in Snowhead, the water flow in Great Bay, and the inversion of the Stone Tower - great mechanics that govern the entire dungeon, and their length and polish makes them unmatched in the series' long history.

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