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How Many Dungeons Should a Zelda Game Have?

How Many Dungeons Should a Zelda Game Have?

  • 4-6 (Like Majora's Mask)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7-9 (Like Ocarina of Time)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10-12 (Like Twilight Princess if counting the Cave of Ordeals)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 13+ (Like A Link to the Past)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Dungeons have always been a cornerstone of the Zelda franchise. Segments of traversing the overworld are broken up by each action-packed, puzzle-driven areas with an intimidating and powerful boss at the end. Although every main title in the franchise has included dungeons in some, way, shape, or form, the number of dungeons in each game has differed drastically from the mere four in Majora's Mask to 13 in A Link to the Past. Today, I would like to ask forum members how many dungeons they believe a Zelda game should have? Are you more of a dungeon person and prefer to have many of them in the game or are you more of an overworld and sidequest person who merely regards dungeons as a distraction and never particularly focus on them except to advance the story of the game? Dungeons are here to stay of course. the question is how many of them do you want to see? :)


The White Knight Alien
Mar 22, 2012
A Distant Nebula
I think if they are about the length of the ones in Twilight Princes or just a little longer, I would say probably like 10 or 11. I don't think that they should be shorter than the ones in Twilight Princess (first play through) and should actually be 1.5 times this length. If they were this long, then I would go with 8 or 9. There does need to be a lot more mini-quests and -games in the games though.


The Notorious M.O.P.
Mar 8, 2012
If the game a big game, it has a intricate story design and all that, then there should be 8-9 dungeons. If it's a short game that's not very in-depth, I think it should be 3-4 dungeons.


God of Goddesses
Feb 20, 2011
I really liked the layout of the dungeons in Twilight Princess, and I was disappointed that there wasn't really a dungeon like the Cave of Ordeals in SS. However, there should only be as much dungeons as there is quantity of the content in the game's plot. If a game's plot takes place in an ominous time where you have to complete the game in 3 days, there should only be 3+ dungeons.


Fish. Citizen of Foo
Sep 30, 2011
There should be as many dungeons as possible as long as they tie into the story and still have small details and stuff
Dec 30, 2011
I like having an average amount like in OoT. The dungeons were all unique and well designed and there was a great overworld with things to do.
Apr 23, 2012
I like 7-9, such as in SS or Oot. If they're made really well, there's no need for an over-saturation of them.

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