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Breath of the Wild How long would it take for Hyrule to recover if the Calamity was of this nature?

Jul 9, 2024
A calamity that's less Crapshoot AI possessed by a Demon King and something more, sudden. Something more instantaneous. Something more, nuclear...

Demon King? More like Demon Core.

The devastation inflicted upon Hyrule would vary based on differing yields, but for this scenario, the yield is at the least, powerful enough to only affect Central Hyrule. So Hyrule Castle, Castle Town, the various settlements and fortifications in Hyrule Field and the Great Plateau are still destroyed as with the original calamity and it's inhabitants and the royal family vaporized with them. Not to mention being extremely dirty, meaning it releases a lot of radiation upon detonation.

How long would the Age of the burning fields last with Central Hyrule being a toxic, uninhabitable and highly irradiated nuclear wasteland that separates the still habitable regions from one another?

How much longer would it take for Hyrule, both it's people and it's ecosystems, to recover? Especially when they're isolated and cut off from one another and have to grapple with the fallout, the poisoning of the waterways and blight of wasteland slowly seeping into their lands?

Would there be any hope of rebuilding after that or would all hope be lost? Would they be able to pick up the pieces and move on with this level of catastrophic damage inflicted upon the land?

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
A calamity that's less Crapshoot AI possessed by a Demon King and something more, sudden. Something more instantaneous. Something more, nuclear...

Demon King? More like Demon Core.

The devastation inflicted upon Hyrule would vary based on differing yields, but for this scenario, the yield is at the least, powerful enough to only affect Central Hyrule. So Hyrule Castle, Castle Town, the various settlements and fortifications in Hyrule Field and the Great Plateau are still destroyed as with the original calamity and it's inhabitants and the royal family vaporized with them. Not to mention being extremely dirty, meaning it releases a lot of radiation upon detonation.

How long would the Age of the burning fields last with Central Hyrule being a toxic, uninhabitable and highly irradiated nuclear wasteland that separates the still habitable regions from one another?

How much longer would it take for Hyrule, both it's people and it's ecosystems, to recover? Especially when they're isolated and cut off from one another and have to grapple with the fallout, the poisoning of the waterways and blight of wasteland slowly seeping into their lands?

Would there be any hope of rebuilding after that or would all hope be lost? Would they be able to pick up the pieces and move on with this level of catastrophic damage inflicted upon the land?
That depends on where the nuclear explosion takes place, it's elevation from the ground, How long the initial nuclear blast and waste lasted, and a whole bunch of other factors. Places like Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still bustling to this day, because of the fact that the nuclear bombs exploded high in the air and it was only instantaneous, among other factors. Meanwhile, because of multiple factors and the fact that the nuclear explosion of Chernobyl took place on ground level, and how long it took to control the nuclear waste makes it uninhabitable to this day.
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Jul 9, 2024
That depends on where the nuclear explosion takes place, it's elevation from the ground, How long the initial nuclear blast and waste lasted, and a whole bunch of other factors. Places like Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still bustling to this day, because of the fact that the nuclear bombs exploded high in the air and it was only instantaneous, among other factors. Meanwhile, because of multiple factors and the fact that the nuclear explosion of Chernobyl took place on ground level, and how long it took to control the nuclear waste makes it uninhabitable to this day.
The detonation in this thread is a surface detonation and the yield for the detonation for this scenario is about 10 Kilotons. Enough to only affect Central Hyrule and destroy the settlements and monuments there.

The question presented here is how long it would take for both civilization and the ecosystem of Hyrule to recover. how much longer this calamity's version of the age of the burning fields would last? Especially if the surviving races have to deal with something far more dangerous than the guardians: Nuclear Radiation.

I wonder what's going to happen to them once their farmlands and water sources becomes permanently tainted by the fallout and said fallout blots out the sun and brings about nuclear winter..

Also, fixed the title. sorry for the typo.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
10 kilotons is actually far more devastating than you would think, depending on how long the waist will stay on Hyrule's ground it can even be worse than Chernobyl. Fun fact: Chernobyl actually detonated with around half the force of the two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan, and like I said, even though those two had twice the payload. Those two are still thriving cities. But it's because the nuclear waste wasn't contained within Chernobyl, it ended up being a worse outcome. That being said, I doubt Hyrule would even bother containing the nuclear waste. Even if it only destroyed a small part of Hyrule, I doubt they contained it, meaning the entire country would be uninhabitable for good few millenniums.
Jul 9, 2024
10 kilotons is actually far more devastating than you would think, depending on how long the waist will stay on Hyrule's ground it can even be worse than Chernobyl. Fun fact: Chernobyl actually detonated with around half the force of the two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan, and like I said, even though those two had twice the payload. Those two are still thriving cities. But it's because the nuclear waste wasn't contained within Chernobyl, it ended up being a worse outcome. That being said, I doubt Hyrule would even bother containing the nuclear waste. Even if it only destroyed a small part of Hyrule, I doubt they contained it, meaning the entire country would be uninhabitable for good few millenniums.
and so compared with the great calamity, how bad is the situation compared with that cataclysm?

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
and so compared with the great calamity, how bad is the situation compared with that cataclysm?
I'll have to do more research, to be honest I haven't beaten Breath of the Wild, but if I were to take a gander. I would say everyone in Hyrule would have died from radiation poisoning. However, there is some people who survived Chernobyl, through the worst of it as well, and survived long into their '80s. So it is possible that there would be some recovery, but it would be very grim. Hyrule is not exactly known for their sanitary situations. Prime example is that they always give toilet paper to people whose 80% of their body is in the toilet. Without even questioning a thing. I'd have to say at least 10 times worse than Chernobyl if I'm being honest. And that's a rough estimate. But if you're talking about how it's presented in game compared to the nuclear event you speak of, I'd say probably double that. Around that ballpark.
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Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I dunno if they really could.

Hyrule is consistently primitive in its technological development. Despite allegedly existing for thousands of years, they're still riding horses and stabbing people with swords. Technology like the Guardians is always treated as equipment from a bygone era that they just can't replicate. A nuclear explosion of such size wouldn't just end lives in Hyrule like the Calamity did, but damage the very soil.

It'd be Breath of the Wild, but where Hyrule itself irradiates and kills you when you spend more than a couple minutes there. It's Zora's Domain, but the Zora are cancerous husks because their lifeblood makes a Geiger counter beep up a frenzy. Maybe something magical could solve the problem, but Hyrule would be a husk by the time they figured it out.
Jul 9, 2024
I dunno if they really could.

Hyrule is consistently primitive in its technological development. Despite allegedly existing for thousands of years, they're still riding horses and stabbing people with swords. Technology like the Guardians is always treated as equipment from a bygone era that they just can't replicate. A nuclear explosion of such size wouldn't just end lives in Hyrule like the Calamity did, but damage the very soil.

It'd be Breath of the Wild, but where Hyrule itself irradiates and kills you when you spend more than a couple minutes there. It's Zora's Domain, but the Zora are cancerous husks because their lifeblood makes a Geiger counter beep up a frenzy. Maybe something magical could solve the problem, but Hyrule would be a husk by the time they figured it out.
It'd be less Breath of the Wild and more like the first Fallout game in terms of the bleak, dark and dreary setting. A person from a time where good and evil are distinctly defined in black and white morality waking up to a brutal morally ambiguous and in some places bankrupt world were people are willing to do anything just to survive and get by. Even if it means committing acts that would be considered "Evil" in pre-calamity Hyrule.

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