I was originally going to say that it should be similar to Ocarina of Time, where the first dungeon is the tutorial. However, thinking about it now, that wouldn't really make it a good dungeon, per se. What I mean is, I look a dungeon as having complex puzzles, a fitting and unique atmosphere, and an epic boss. If they can fit all that into one piece and still have the dungeon act as the tutorial, great! Do that, Nintendo.
But I think I'd almost rather have it like Majora's Mask... Instead of seeing the inside of a tree within your first 15 minutes, in MM you experience the atmosphere of the world. And depending on the mood and story of the Zelda game, I think that's important. Clock Town was fun and alive! You as the player knew the world was ending, but you could see all the jolly NPCs preparing for the carnival without a care in the world! The music was great and you were almost immediately absorbed in the atmosphere of that game. Maybe they could cut down the time to the first dungeon (talking about Woodfall) a little bit, but I find myself happier with that setup than with OoT's setup.
So OoT probably threw you in the first dungeon too quickly. Majora's Mask and definitely Skyward Sword probably took a little too long to get to the first dungeon. So I'd say I'd rather have the tutorial outside of the first temple if it means sacrificing the initial, immediate realization of atmosphere in a game.