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Spoiler How Long Did It Take You...?


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
it took me quite a few attempts, probably 6-8, but once i'd figured out the system he won't down pretty easy. when i did hard mode i killed him first time, though needed to use enhanced potions 3 times
Dec 27, 2011
It took me one try - The first time, it took me around 10 minutes. The second time took me around 4. The third time took me 2. Once you find the battle pattern, as Demise is a straight-forward fighter, you can easily slaughter him.
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Jan 1, 2011
It took me roughly 3 tries. I had him the first time, then all of a sudden the power went out. Second time, was just an epic fail. And the last time, I was god when I defeated him lol


Canadian Girl
Jan 29, 2012
Somewhere in Time
Took me two attempts. The first time I fought him with only three hearts, almost killed him. Second time, mass destruction occurred. XD
Jan 1, 2012
It took me two tries since it took me a while to figure out that you can use electrified Skyward Strikes. The first time, I tried to fight Demise like you do in the first phase. Halfway through my second try I picked up on what I had to do, and the battle wasn't very challenging after that.
Feb 5, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
Yeah knowing what to do helps. I was completely nervous, I thought it was going to be a super hard battle. But honestly, it did not take me long at all. Like Mases said in his video, once you got him, you got him. I found Demise fairly easy compared to the second battle with Ghiriham. For some reason, that one always got me. Killed me a few times when trying to go through the battles for the Hylian shield.

godess reborn

Blame The Cricket
Jan 29, 2012
Turn around...
It took me FOREVER to kill him on my first playthrough. I was trying to keep my distance so I could figure out his battle style, then he came charging. I had to go back up to the temple and sit on that stool too much. But then I killed him after my 12th attempt or so. But once you know how to beat him, he's going down!

Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
Being in the camp of people who found Demise to be a pretty challenging final boss, I didn't defeat him until my sixth or seventh attempt. Took me a while to master the "defense-heavy" portion of the battle.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
I beat him on my first try…..it was actually rather simple, the Lightning Round however, was more annoying…..overall I only needed to use one helping of my Red Potion and I was able to defeat the Final Boss :yes:


Dawn of the Final Day
Sep 16, 2011
Gerudo Valley
The Demise battle took me one try. So I didn't get a game over. But that doesn't mean the fight was easy.

I always have been good at Zelda games, but this battle took me about 40 minutes to finish. It was one of the hardest Zelda bosses in history for me.

It took me 2 Guardian Potion +'s ( so 4 servings) and 2 Heart Potion ++'s. And even after I used all of those, I performed the epicly awesome final blow with 2 hearts left. (Out of 18)
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