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Adventure of Link How in the World Do People Beat Adventure of Link?

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Jun 11, 2011
This game is so hard! The hardest Zelda game in the series! Now, I am not terrible at Zelda games. I have beaten every single other game in the series, and did not have any trouble with games that are usually considered hard by other players (MM, TLOZ). I have done the 3 heart challenge for OOT, and done the MQ. I also have never needed a walkthrough before AOL. (Not including collectibles like Gold Skulltulas). But man, Adventure of Link is HARD.

For the first time, I've needed a walk through, and still I cant get past the SECOND palace. Seriously, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Whenever you try to level up, those stupid monsters steal all your points! And your sword is so small, I can't even reach the guys. Also, it seems like even the easiest enemies don't even have a pattern, like the ChuChus (They might be called something different) they just randomly, with no warning, jump forward and random times with no pattern. I have no idea how people can beat the boomerang guys. They throw their boomerangs under you. UNDER You. How are you supposed to dodge that when it comes back and he throws a second one? The Iron Knuckles I have no idea what to do, same as those red guys with the axes. I am seriously stuck and I want to be able to say I've beaten every Zelda, but I have no idea how to beat this game. :hmm:


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Here's a tip: use Mases's video guide. :lol:

But, seriously, if you level grind (constantly take on foes in one area to gain experience points), you'll also gain skill in combat. It takes some time, but you (should) become a master of the game eventually. (You will still die numerous times, though, many of them tactical suicides.)
Jun 11, 2011
Thanks, I would appreciate a link to this guide you speak of, and I will try to grind instead of just going to the palaces.
May 9, 2011
Grumble Grumble...
I got through it by using the guide video mentioned above, and through pure patience and perseverance. AoL is a ridiculously difficult game, so it comes as no surprise to me that you are having trouble. Also, for the iron knuckles, and most other late game enemies, you need to master crouching to both slash and block. When you are standing, you slash high, and block high, and when you are crouching, you slash low and block low. The trick is blocking enemy attacks while getting under their block. It's pretty difficult, but you should be able to get used to it. Good luck! :)


Demon Lord
Jun 13, 2011
With a LOT of patience. I could never beat it when I was a kid, but when I got older and started playing again, I eventually beat it. And yes, mastering the sword moves, all of them, is extremely helpful.

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
Even with Mases Walkthrough, this game is hard. Oh, I can't play it any more. I yelled every german curse word the last time I've played this game (got it for Virtual Console). I've managed the first temple. That's it until now.

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
Here's a tip: use Mases's video guide. :lol:

But, seriously, if you level grind (constantly take on foes in one area to gain experience points), you'll also gain skill in combat. It takes some time, but you (should) become a master of the game eventually.

Grinding I believe is necessary if you want to complete the game within reasonable time. Unfortunately it still takes some time and if you wanna do it in the initial parts of the game I guess you´ll have to go to the swamps and kill some octoroks. It´s more effective (and less time consuming) if you grind by defeating some enemies in the woods at the later stages of the game.


Jan 17, 2011
Just do a lot of level grinding to get yourself better than the enemies. The trick with Ironknuckles is to jump slash at their faces. The trick with the Goriya(Boomerang enemies) is to look at their hand and if the boomerang is higher you block above and if the boomerang is lower you block lower. Study your enemies carefully to learn their weakness and you will find the game gets a little easier as you progress until the end of course.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Just do a lot of level grinding to get yourself better than the enemies. The trick with Ironknuckles is to jump slash at their faces. The trick with the Goriya(Boomerang enemies) is to look at their hand and if the boomerang is higher you block above and if the boomerang is lower you block lower. Study your enemies carefully to learn their weakness and you will find the game gets a little easier as you progress until the end of course.

This is so true. The skill you (the player) gain by level grinding and fighting enemies over and over is much more useful than the stats you (as Link) gain. IMO the average "skilled" gamer could start the game with maxed out stats and still struggle in parts of the game. The name of the game is persistence.

The only original thing I can add to this discussion is that you may fall into the mindset that you need to defeat every enemy you see. This makes the game even harder than it needs to be. Every enemy has some kind of weakness, but even a skilled player can make mistakes so don't fight enemies that can easily be bypassed. This gets easier once you get the downthrust since you can just bounce over enemies heads. I did beat the game but I can't say I even came close to mastering it. I just got really really good at running away. Seriously it works; in the final palace I defeated probably 3 total enemies. I'm not suggesting you run from every enemy like I did, but find some middle ground where you have combat skills if you need them but play smart enough to know when to fight and when to just jump over their heads and run.
Jan 10, 2011
You'll just have to grind for experience. Leveling up is pretty much the only way you'll beat it unless your really good at the game. Someone on Youtube beat it with just 4 Life, 8 Magic, and a Level 4 sword.


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
A bit of unicorn dust and some gnome ear hair! :D
Seriously though...people who lived their childhood in the 80's have some unnatural skill in video games compared to today. <_<'
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