Sage of the Dark World
- Joined
- May 29, 2012
- Location
- Dark World, Sacred Realm
Fi- Fee
Ghirahim- Gear-a-heem
Saria- Sa-ree-uh
Epona- E-pown-a
Farore- Fair-or
Koume- Ku-meh
Kotake- Ko-take
Navi- Na-ve
Tatl- Tattle
Tael- Tale/Tail
Aryll- Air-ill
Ilia- Ill-uh
That's how I say them, anyways.
I also say...
Deku- Dee-coo
Cucco- Coo-coo
Picori- Pic-cori
Ocarina- Ok-uh-reena (Ok as in OKtorok)
Nayru- Nay-ruh
Lanayru- La-nay-ruh
Vaati- Vaa-tee
Bellum- Bell-um
Malladus- Mal-a-dus
Kokiri- Ko-cor-e (long e)
Gerudo- Gr-oo-doe (by "oo" i mean like the noise you make when you find a secret room "oooo"
Ghirahim- Gear-a-heem
Saria- Sa-ree-uh
Epona- E-pown-a
Farore- Fair-or
Koume- Ku-meh
Kotake- Ko-take
Navi- Na-ve
Tatl- Tattle
Tael- Tale/Tail
Aryll- Air-ill
Ilia- Ill-uh
That's how I say them, anyways.
I also say...
Deku- Dee-coo
Cucco- Coo-coo
Picori- Pic-cori
Ocarina- Ok-uh-reena (Ok as in OKtorok)
Nayru- Nay-ruh
Lanayru- La-nay-ruh
Vaati- Vaa-tee
Bellum- Bell-um
Malladus- Mal-a-dus
Kokiri- Ko-cor-e (long e)
Gerudo- Gr-oo-doe (by "oo" i mean like the noise you make when you find a secret room "oooo"

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