I pronounce it "Jerudo"... Although after reading this thread, might change my habit. I wish there was an official canon way to pronounce stuff. (For example, I'm not sure where to put the accent in "Saria" - I think it's on the first A, but I've heard people put it on the I; or how do you pronounce Hylia - Heyelia or Heelia, and is it HYlia or HylIa (accent)?)
Jir-oo-doh. Woah, I'm in the minority?? That's news to me . . . there are a few words that I KNOW that I'm in the minority on pronunciations, but this was NOT one of them.
It's ironic how much the internet has changed things. In the olden days, we would all have spoken to each other face-to-face or over the phone. Now we just talk to each other over text, and we actually don't know how anyone pronounces the words they write.