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How Do YOU Feel About the Gaming World Today

Jul 30, 2010
stock pott in clocktown
simple question how do you feel about todays gaming world and do you see the changes.

heres how i feel. :mad: yay not the happiest face on the block right?

does anyone remmeber
when it was about the hero and the land and not the war.

remember when you were the only one who could save it.

what about the adventure and not the bloodshed

and the emotion not the mindless killing

anyone remmber trying and trying and never giving up just to help some virtual people and not doing it just for some experiance points that well help online or whatever.

alright ill shut up.

so how do you feel you happy,mad,sad
think were just going through a fad where killing is the biggest thing in the game?

now before anyone flips there lid on me i do know that not all gaming companies are doing this but it seems like its growing more and more and it worries me.i mean look at some older games they have more emotion and more of a point then some games do today.doesnt anyone think this is odd?

tell me what you think?


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Well now, games seem to be more about action and shooting. Not too many platformers anymore. Yes I miss the old days, but video games need to step up and start being original. Too many games feel like rip offs of others. You got games like Halo, Gears of War, Mario, Sonic, Metroid, Zelda, Uncharted, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, etc. Those are all games that are original and different but they all have guns or gimmicks that makes it feel like gaming has stopped being creative. Mario has recently had the gimmick of being in space, Sonic's latest ripped off Mario Galaxy, Grand Theft Auto has been done before many times, and I've also notice that the Legend of Zelda uses too many gimmicks these days. Games back then didn't rely on gimmicks or war. Now, we get that 24/7. Mario will always be Mario as long as his games keep coming out, but it's been done so many times. It's still Mario. We hardly see anything new and creative these days. And that's because of gimmicks and ripping on other games.

Before we had Mario. A simple platformer. Then Sega came along and tried competing with a blue little friend of ours. But it was different and new. You see my point?
Last edited:
Jul 30, 2010
stock pott in clocktown
yes turo what you said is exactly what i mean. games arent as creative anymore and all they do is rip off of other games.what i meant about the old games being better than more of the newer games is because they almost HAD to be creative cause there wasnt very many popular gaming series for them to rip off of.now i dont mind if gaming creaters do what they did in epic mickey and try to make it a high adventure game like zelda. but epic mickey is a very creative game and i think gamers ahould really respect that.what i hate the most is how COD keeps riping off the same graphical style. i can see a LOT of stuff they could do with it to make the gamplay smoother and the overall game more enjoyable.same goes with its story. the story is either a real war with a twist or its a war that sometimes doesnt even make sense? but i heard black ops actually has a unique story that makes sense but correct me if im wrong.also like i stated there is almost no emotion in some shooters that are really popular for this gaming era that were in. i mean really? youd think they would put some emotion in a war or something? people lways talk about at my school how it feels so realistic like your in the middle of a war. and yet when troops come home there all messed up because they saw there friends get shot in the head and blown to pieces.but its not like it has to be gorey or anything but they should really ake a game like that where your not just mindlesly shootig people and when your allie dies you feel nothing because you dont see the bond?
Nov 29, 2010
A type of game we never see are shoot em ups.
Games like salamander, R type for example.
I feel there is also too much blood in games now.
And i feel games nowadays are not as enhoyable or creative.
Games are also to violentuuts not something i enjoy.
Games companies play it to safe when making new games.


Well, even though I don't prefer these types of games of just mindless killing, many many many many children nowadays prefer these types of games. Many kids are growing up with these think these are the only "normal" games and many old ones are boring. So, yes, they aren't being original, but this is what kids wanna buy nowadays. And they make what they can sell.
Dec 17, 2010
In my mind, the 16-bit era was video games at its best. Nintendo and Sega duking it out in the second round. Games like Super Mario World, Sonic, and of course AlTtP. Back then, we didn't care if we could get a triple kill, or if we had an XBox Live account, it was all about one thing and one thing only. Gaming. We didnt need online because we had our best friend who lived down the street. One day, you'd be playing on his genesis, and the next he'd be playing on your SNES.
Aug 18, 2009
Today's gaming world sucks.
Lolz, well said. :P Well, I don't think it sucks, but I've seen several games with very bad art/music/story/graphics/controls, which makes me believe that sometimes game developers rush themselves too much only to have a product out on the market. If they took their time creating a game, then maybe those sucky games would have had a better chance of making it big, like the great games there are out there (God of War, Halo, etc)


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I think that the gaming world today is very commercialized, much like the movie industry. Big-budget games based on a formula sell, so companies don't want to take a chance on something new or better, because it might be overlooked.

Actually, there are some nice little original games... especially for the DS and Wii, but people tend to overlook them as being too different from what they're looking for. Thus, the numbers of those games decline, while the big franchises, remakes, uninspired sequels, formulaic shooters and MMORPGs flourish. It's a result of gaming becoming mainstream... the games made have come to reflect mainstream values, which are often quite shallow. Pretty much, a lot of people nowadays just want a game they play with other people in, and show off their 5k1llz.

Can you blame companies for wanting to be profitable? I think the only way things will turn around, is if people get tired of all these shallow games, and they quit selling. That may take a long time, and may never happen. If it does, it will force companies to either adapt, or go out of business to make room for new companies that can.
May 17, 2010
Middle of Nowhere, PA
yeah, im not really happy with the gaming industry now a days, it seems they are more interested in making games realistic than to actually make a good game, games like call of duty or metal of honor were great when they first came out because it was revolutionary but now its just repetitive and they want you to play online cause that is where the fun is, no thanks ill sit here and play my old school nintendo games. my xbox 360 is a dust collector where as my gamecube and n64 get played everyday. there arent many good games out. i've got about 10 games for my xbox 360 where as i have 50+ games for my gamecube. well it doesnt help that they charge you $60 for a new game, i havent bought a wii game in so long i don't know how much they run.

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