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Hero Death and Evil Death

Sep 22, 2010
I am operating under the premise that the Links from the titles are different links and that the ganons are descendants and ancestors. Where do you think they are buried? do you think that link is buried in the royal cemetery or just a common resting place. do you think ganon's body is interred in the gerudo graveyard or do you think his crimes are so heinus that he gets buried in a potter's field. Also, do you think that link is buried with his items or are they just destroyed so that they don't fall in to the wrong hands


Sage of Tales
Just for that, you get a link to my special picture:


Fanart by me depicting one Link visiting a previous Link's grave.

I say... who knows? I've written fanfictions in which Link is a reincarnation of all Links, and fanfictions where all the Links are different. I subscribe to either theory. We don't know where or even if each Link gets buried - face it, he could face his end becoming monster-chow, or dying in some forsaken land while trying to save people, left unfound-unburied. Or, perhaps, he dies in Hyrule and is buried with honors. I like the latter option, myself, and figure that if the grave of a given Link is to ever be found, it would be somewhere near the Temple of Time, or in some old, forgotten graveyard around the grounds of where Hyrule Castle used to be (given Hyrule's shifting geograpy, the Castle does seem to move).

As for Link's items... I have a personal theory that they are given away as goodwill offerings and promises of peace to the various races of Hyrule. Case in point: The Hero's Bow found in the Goron Mines in TP - it is *strongly* implied to have belonged to the Hero of Time (OoT/MM Link). I just have this idea that certain things belonging to the Hero will get given away after his death to families/races/allies of the Hyrule Royal Family as seals of peace and bits of rememberance.

As for Ganondorf... well, I don't know. I always figured he was a continuing ressurect/reincarnate. In Ocarina of Time, he was straight up sealed in the void of the Sacred Realm, body and soul. In Twilight Princess, he spent some time as a spirit in the Twilight Realm In other games, he is turned to ashes. I'm not sure Ganondorf/Ganon ever leaves a body behind. At the end of Twilight Princess, who knows? Maybe he becomes ashes as soon as the Master Sword is yanked out of him ... Maybe he is buried somewhere in the Gerudo Desert. Just don't know.

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