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Have You Ever....


Mysteries of the Deep
Nov 18, 2011
This Thread is for the Have you ever Game!

It's kind of the Banned Game but not really.

The Person Below the last post will respond to a question that last poster asked. Such as Have you ever danced alone in your room? And that Person on the bottom says: "No!" Or something like that! You may report a humorous line or sentence to them as well!

Have you ever walked up to a person and copied Ghirahim's tongue thing near their neck?
May 13, 2012
Yes. It was not scary at all
Have you ever had a dream-s, that-s, that-you, um, you had, you'd, you woult, you could, you'd do, you wi-, you wants, you, you could do some, you, you do, you coul-, you, you wante, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
No, I dont do bets like that.

Have you ever been responsible for a work-related accident? Major or Minor?

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