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Ocarina of Time Hardest Dungeon in Ocarina of Time?




to me it is the fire temple and will always be the fire temple, it's twisted, it's pretty big, the maze room with fire is just annoying. also getting to that one tower in the right I guess, it is very annoying, I always forget the scarecrow before entering the temple. it is just not funny and I don't like the boss.

all in all fire temple, I always rush through it as I just don't like it.



I do not think the water temple was the hardest. It was time consuming at best. The fire temple always gets me. I guess I just dislike the possibilty of falling to my doom in lava.


It's hard to say because I haven't played in a while, but I remember that the Shadow Temple was definitely the hardest for me the first time I went through Ocarina of Time. Something about the atmosphere and layout of that place just makes it so intimidating and difficult to get through. The room immediately beyond the first, past the gap you need the hover boots to cross, was an incredibly large empty room with lots of black space and no platforms. That room really frightened me at first just because it appeared challenging in a way no other room in the game had been so far. Given that it was one of my first Zelda games and that I wasn't used to the series yet I remember feeling as though I'd never be able to beat it, and I believe I actually gave up for a bit before returning to the game and finally finishing it. Although nowadays I'm no longer intimidated by it, I still find it a bit difficult. It's one of the few dungeons I actually have to watch my health in.

The Water Temple was difficult at first as well, but not in the same way. It was more generally complex and annoying than frightening. I don't think that place would have been considered so hard if the Iron Boots had been a C item originally and if there was an easier way of changing the water level. Those two parts were by far the most annoying, and contributed to a lot of frustration for me at least. However, beyond that it wasn't super difficult, and I believe the difficult was nerfed slightly in the 3DS version.

Completely agree with this! Saves me writing it out :P
Dec 22, 2011
High Ground
There have to be two categories to truly answer this question:

1. The Water Temple is the hardest to figure out how to do.
2. The Fire Temple is the hardest to actually do. (Second the Volvagia comments above)
Dec 22, 2011
Water temple no discusion needed. All the others you could solve pretty easily, but in the water temple you make one mistake lowering or raising that water and you have to work at it forever to figure out what you did wrong, plus that shadow link is a pain in the butt.
Dec 23, 2011
It's been a loooong time since I considered any part of OoT hard, but back in the day when I first played through the game I'm pretty sure the Water Temple gave me the most trouble. (Zelda Dungeon didn't exist back then to help me through it either!)


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
I wonder what the opinions would be like if everyone had only played the 3DS version, because they made the Water Temple much less annoying by making the iron boots a regular item and they also added some kind of a guidance system in the Water Temple.
Dec 21, 2011
All around
Honestly, The Shadow Temple confused the h*ll out of me on my first run through. Bongo Bongo is easily the most difficult boss in the game.
Dec 23, 2011
For me, the hardest dungeon is the Shadow Temple, mostly because it scares the crap outta me! Okay, it's not really that scary, but I'm a baby when it comes to creepy things. But Bongo-Bongo was SO easy! I think I beat him in about 2-3 minutes!


The Spy-Sniper Combo
Dec 20, 2010
"Right behind you."
The water temple was hardest for me, mainly because I had to lower and raise the water level so many times to get to where I wanted to me. If I missed something, I would think "was that on the level before this one?" and I would have to go all the way back to the top in order to backtrack. The map was my best friend in that temple.


The invisible crab
Dec 22, 2011
Maybe Spirit Temple because it has many puzzle and Iron Knuckles or maybe the Shadow Temple because it has the freakin' ReDead and undead enemies.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The one that puzzles me the most to this day would be the Shadow Temple, previously Water Temple until I discovered Bottoms Up. The hardest due to combat would be Fire Temple; some of the enemies just confound me and I lock up, therefore I suffer damage and a LOT of it.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Honestly, The Shadow Temple confused the h*ll out of me on my first run through. Bongo Bongo is easily the most difficult boss in the game.

I agree completely about Bongo Bongo. I've played through the game 20+ times, and his boss room is the only room in the entire game that I'm afraid to enter because I'm not so sure I'll beat him. My odds of survival are a little bit better than a coinflip; any other boss in the game I'd be embarrassed if I get hit once.

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