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Spoiler GREAT Skyward Sword Idealic Beginning and Ending.


Resident Cucco Kicker
Dec 5, 2010
Labrynna, because Hyrule is too mainstream.
I've thought about Skyward Sword extremely critcally, and after I read an article on the Oocca, I thought of something great for Skyward Sword's ending:cool:.

So, you start out the game, usually with some kind of legend or deep backstory. It was on Skyloft, and how the magic of the goddesses saw that the world was plagued. The world would end, and their deeply beloved Oocca and other life would die out. Then the godesses raised a large floating island into the Sky, full of the Oocca and other life. Their children now safe, they returned to the heavens...

... But little did their children know, some life still existed on the ground, still plagued. The Oocca started to hatch humans, who grew larger and larger, and little but a select few of them know, there might be a select few still alive on the groung, hatching people like this. They soon learned of a prophecy foretelling the end of the Island and maybe all life in the world.

In the present day in Skyward Sword, the learn that there is still life on the ground, tortured by evil, so they send down a valiant soul. It was Link... but they learned near the end of the game that Skyloft would fall. So they sent down the people to the newly discovered "Hyrule", and they began to live in peace. But the Oocca could not stay on earth, left the people after turning the "Skyard Sword" into the "Master Sword", to protect the people. It could no longer travel to they sky, but would be the blade of evil's bane. They left on a new skyloft, a mechanical one, called "The City In The Sky", based on Skyloft, and departed, leaving only the "Dominion Rod" to the Sheikhan messenger or Hyrule. They thus passed into legend...

What do you think?:D:D
Nov 27, 2010
Humans being hatched by oocca? That would be a little strange...maybe without the oocca because OOT is most likely in between SS and TP.


I personally think it sounds great! TP is my favorite so I would love to see some great connections like these

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