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Good Bye Wii U


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Today is the day.

Color Splash released today, making it the final exclusive game for the system.

The Wii U is dead now...

The Wii U had a lot of problems. It experienced so many delays, and the system was rushed out the door before even Nintendo's developers knew what to do with it. It wasn't marketed at all, it had a terrible name, and a terrible lineup.

However, I cannot but help think of how much fun I had with the system. Waiting with baited breath to see the next newcomer to smash, being absolutely astounded with Mariokart 8, and trying out some amazing new franchises like Hyrule Warriors, and Splatoon.

The Wii U will always be remembered as the failed system with excellent games. Despite the excellent games, the system didn't have much else.

Xenoblade Chronicles X, Pokken Tournament, Smash 4, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, and Splatoon all deserve to be up with the greats.

The Wii U wasn't as good as the GameCube, or the Wii, or the SNES, or the N64. However, I still had a lot of fun with it, and I have a lot of fond memories of the system. And I think that is what matters at this point.

I hope Nintendo learns from their mistakes with the Wii U, and they do better in the future.

It's weird... Because now. We know absolutely nothing coming out next besides BotW. We have absolutely no idea... That is indeed scary that we know nothing about the NX, or the games coming to it..... But it is also kind of exciting isn't it?

Anything is possible.

Let's just hope that the Wii U lives on in its excellent games and focus on fun, and lives on as a lesson to Nintendo, so they do not screw up again.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I waited for at least a year before I bought the wiiu. I had some great times with Mario 3D wörld and of course with HW. It could have been much better if Nintendo actually spent time on the console instead of rushing it and shoving it down in our throats. The Virtual Console is okay but hey people don't buy a console only for that. It was lackening and missed something. Hopefully things will get better with the NX.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Good riddance to it. It was nothing but a hindrance to Nintendo's moving forward as it was last gen hardware released years too late meaning games were confined to last gens limitations and specs.

Yes there were some good titles on the system but that doesn't make the console itself any better.

I think in years to come, most will not look fondly back upon this disappointment of a machine.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Good riddance to it. It was nothing but a hindrance to Nintendo's moving forward as it was last gen hardware released years too late meaning games were confined to last gens limitations and specs.

Yes there were some good titles on the system but that doesn't make the console itself any better.

I think in years to come, most will not look fondly back upon this disappointment of a machine.
People do not remember Videogame systems by how powerful they are.

I have never heard once, a person say in 2016, "oh man. Remember the GameCube? It used to be such a powerful system".

In the long run, people will remember the games. People today aren't raving about how Powerful the PS3 was back in the day. It's old hat, and more and more people disregard the power of the Wii in favor of games.

People will look back to the Wii U in 10 years as a console that didn't sell well and poorly excecuted design, but a system with some really good games. Much like the Dreamcast.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
People do not remember Videogame systems by how powerful they are.

I have never heard once, a person say in 2016, "oh man. Remember the GameCube? It used to be such a powerful system".

In the long run, people will remember the games. People today aren't raving about how Powerful the PS3 was back in the day. It's old hat, and more and more people disregard the power of the Wii in favor of games.

People will look back to the Wii U in 10 years as a console that didn't sell well and poorly excecuted design, but a system with some really good games. Much like the Dreamcast.

I never actually said in my post people remember consoles by how powerful they are. They do though.

Already people look back on the Wii as an underpowered console which was keeping it from competing with the other two at the time. People blame that as one of the reasons for Nintendos turn from a company that made the home consoles of hardcore gamers to a company that made the home consoles of casuals, grannies and children. They blame it as one of the main reasons Ninty couldn't get the 3rd party games as it was too much effort for 3rd parties to downgrade them. And why would you play a downgraded COD SD when you can play the HD one anyway?

The reason we didn't see consoles being judged on power before is that previous gens always had competing consoles of similar power and all were capable of playing each others games. The Wii was the first one which was significantly weaker than its competitors and people do talk about that and remember that. It will be the same with the Wii U.
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Oct 1, 2016
I was very close to getting a Wii U recently, but it's still just so expensive. If I'm going to for over around $350, I'd prefer to just wait for the NX... if it ever comes out...

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
As always, Nintendo had the best exclusives this generation. As always, their piss poor marketing and ****ty business practices killed their console. It happened with the N64, Gamecube, and now, the Wii U.

In the 5th Generation, the N64 was blown out the water by Sony's Playstation in sales terms, 33 million to 103 million.This happened because despite having some of the greatest games of all time with Zelda and Mario on that console, their decision to use cartridges made the games extremely expensive. It also drove away 3rd party developers because of the more difficult format. Hell, in it's first year, the Sega Saturn sold more copies that the N64 in their home country, Japan.

In the 6th generation, the Gamecube was blown out the water by Sony's Playstation 2 in sales terms, 22 million to 155 million. This happened because despite having some of the greatest games of all time with Metroid, Mario, and Zelda, their decision to use smaller optical discs drove away 3rd party developers because of the more difficult format. They also let Microsoft's CEO talk **** about the console without firing back with a campaign of their own. Superior games, superior hardware, and they didn't say anything about it.

So where does that leave us now, the 8th generation of video games. The Wii U was blown out by Sony's Playstation 4 in sales terms, 13 million to 43 million. This happened because despite having the best games of the generation, their decision to use a tablet with every game made the games expensive and hard to make. Which means, it drove away 3rd party support in a industry that relies more and more heavily upon it.

I never actually said in my post people remember consoles by how powerful they are. They do though.

Already people look back on the Wii as an underpowered console which was keeping it from competing with the other two at the time. People blame that as one of the reasons for Nintendos turn from a company that made the home consoles of hardcore gamers to a company that made the home consoles of casuals, grannies and children. They blame it as one of the main reasons Ninty couldn't get the 3rd party games as it was too much effort for 3rd parties to downgrade them. And why would you play a downgraded COD SD when you can play the HD one anyway?

Actually, the Wii's success; not failure, is the reason why Nintendo turned away from the 'hardcore' video gamers. The Wii destroyed the 360 and PS3 with 102 million units sold, compared to the other's 80 million units. Nintendo moved cause they thought the market was very casual now, which it's not. They happened to find the ripe years in between new and old tech. Now, that market has moved on to smart phones and tablets.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I'm not sorry I bought one, and I don't think it'll go down in history as a Virtual Boy or PSVita style nightmare.

I had a great time with many of the games I bought, especially the multiplayer-based ones. Mario 3D World, Smash 4, and even Mario Party 10 gave me a lot of fun with my little brothers and sisters especially, and anytime that I can spend enjoying games with them is worth it. I poured countless hours just into Smash 4 myself, which is undoubtedly the best Smash game up to this point.

The single-player games were also excellent. Xenoblade X, Donkey Kong Country, Hyrule Warriors, and Mario Make all turned into massive time-sinks that I pretty much enjoyed every step of the way. I also appreciated the Zelda HD love the system got with BotW continuous delays, even if they could have been implemented better.

One thing I will never forgive the Wii U for though is what happened with the Virtual Console. I for the life of me will never understand what held it back so much and led to such a huge gutting of the Wii's library. It didn't contribute to the Wii U's commercial failure at all most likely, but coming off of what the Wii gave us, it left a bad taste in my mouth. I really hope the NX learns from this.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
As always, Nintendo had the best exclusives this generation. As always, their piss poor marketing and ****ty business practices killed their console. It happened with the N64, Gamecube, and now, the Wii U.

In the 5th Generation, the N64 was blown out the water by Sony's Playstation in sales terms, 33 million to 103 million.This happened because despite having some of the greatest games of all time with Zelda and Mario on that console, their decision to use cartridges made the games extremely expensive. It also drove away 3rd party developers because of the more difficult format. Hell, in it's first year, the Sega Saturn sold more copies that the N64 in their home country, Japan.

In the 6th generation, the Gamecube was blown out the water by Sony's Playstation 2 in sales terms, 22 million to 155 million. This happened because despite having some of the greatest games of all time with Metroid, Mario, and Zelda, their decision to use smaller optical discs drove away 3rd party developers because of the more difficult format. They also let Microsoft's CEO talk **** about the console without firing back with a campaign of their own. Superior games, superior hardware, and they didn't say anything about it.

So where does that leave us now, the 8th generation of video games. The Wii U was blown out by Sony's Playstation 4 in sales terms, 13 million to 43 million. This happened because despite having the best games of the generation, their decision to use a tablet with every game made the games expensive and hard to make. Which means, it drove away 3rd party support in a industry that relies more and more heavily upon it.

Actually, the Wii's success; not failure, is the reason why Nintendo turned away from the 'hardcore' video gamers. The Wii destroyed the 360 and PS3 with 102 million units sold, compared to the other's 80 million units. Nintendo moved cause they thought the market was very casual now, which it's not. They happened to find the ripe years in between new and old tech. Now, that market has moved on to smart phones and tablets.

It doesn't really matter the reason they moved on to casuals and abandoned the hardcore. The fact is that they couldn't have catered to the hardcore anyway with their underpowered console as third parties generally wouldn't bring inferior ports to the system and the hardcore would rather play the better versions on the 360 or PS4, meaning Nintendo paying for downgraded ports to be made would not have been viable.

Nintendo could have gone HD with the original wii and had all these games, catering to casuals with the likes of Wii Sports and also having the best versions of COD and Skyrim. Sony and Microsoft would barely have been in the picture.

Nintendo had a short term success with the Wii which made them a lot of money at the time but now the fickle casuals have moved on. The hardcore the Wii did not cater for have also moved on, which is one of the reasons why the Wii U sold poorly.
I enjoyed the Wii U while it was alive...

I hated Super Mario 3D Land but loved 3D World, Yoshi's Woolly World was a solid product, retro did well with DK Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8 is the best the series has seen, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors were wonderful surprises and we got two stellar remakes of two stellar Zelda games.

Bayonetta 2, Project Zero 5, Xenoblade Chronicles X provided some nice third party support and the Wii U version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the best one on the market...

But Pokken and Tokyo Mirage werent great, nor was Wonderful 101, Smash bros left something to be desired and Star Fox Zero was horrible... the gaps between game releases were far too long and i've already ran out of note worthy games to talk about after a 5 year run... thats terrible.

Really, while the Wii U was alive, it felt great to have. The games (that mattered) were decent and it felt like the library could only get better... then it ended which made looking back on it feel disappointing.

We also got no Metroid and no F-Zero. Fire Emblem deserved better than what it was given and there should have been more titles overall for the system... but thats a problem most nintendo consoles have; we get one game from one IP for one generation, which really has to stop.

Had more games come out for the WiiU we may look back on it a little more fondly.... but all i'll see when i look back are Mario Kart 8 and two GameCube remakes... :/
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The wii u was just another play boy, according to matpat on game theory. And even without watching that theory, I could already tell from the feedback I got from a couple of my friends that had the wii u, that it wasn't gonna turned out good. I stuck with my faithful Wii and Nintendo 3ds and my Gameboy Advanced SP. R.I.P. Wii u............ it had an... interesting run.......
Oct 14, 2013
The Wii U wasn't as good as the GameCube, or the Wii, or the SNES, or the N64.
That depends on how you think of things.

Based on sales and power of the consoles the WiiU was not that good. But based on gameplay innovation the WiiU was up there with the best, certainly better than other Nintendo consoles.

I do believe Nintendo is taking a leaf out of the Apple book. By not doing things first but by trying to do them the best. The WiiU is the most innovative console to come out in it's generation. That was the WiiU's aim. Innovation to get the hardcore gamers. That failed because of many other factors. But the innovation is still there.
Secondly Apple is well known to have better 2nd generation hardware. For example, the S versions of iPhone as known to be superior. The NX will basically be a 3DS, S model. With a few features coming from the WiiU. This is not saying the WiiU was bad. The WiiU was not bad. The WiiU in the long run (partially because of Nintendo's mistakes and partially because of consumer trends) was not what many of Nintendo's customers wanted. The 3DS was screwed up early on too but it eventually sold very well because it was what the customers want. Nintendo customers overall would prefer to play lower res games on the go, then UHD games tethered to their television at home. A Wii3, whatever Nintendo called it would have failed again, not because of console quality. The Wii3 would have been amazing, but it's just not what the customers want. In business you always try to make what your customers want.

The NX (based on the rumours) is exactly what the customers want. It's also what the overall tech market is trending towards. More portable devices and less tethered to one spot devices.
  • Notebook computers outsell towers and all in one computers.
  • Smart phones outsell Notebook computers still.
  • The decicated tablet market (think iPad) is being cannibalised by these new oversized phones being used as a tablet first and phone secondary. This proves that people don't want multiple devices on their person when they travel every day.
  • Even the desktop OSes by MS and Apple are looking more and more like their Windows Mobile and iOS counterpart OSes every day.
The writing is on the wall for all to see. Sure there is a place for UHD gaming tethered to your television. Sony is betting their bank on it. The good (for Sony) part is they can have their gaming division as a loss leader for a while and have the rest of their business pick up the tab when this kind of tethered gaming has it's lul periods. Nintendo does not have this luxury. Sure Nintendo has a healthy bank account but it will not last for ever and would rather look to the future and keep that bank account healthy. Nintendo's move to primarily purely mobile with the NX is a good idea and just have the tethered to the television as the secondary option for the few who still want it.

All this relates to the WiiU because the WiiU taught Nintendo all of this. It also allowed Nintendo to test off television game play for the WiiU. Because the NX is basically off television gameplay to the extreme. The WiiU was not the failure that many people incorrectly think it was. Sure the WiiU did not sell as many units as Nintendo would have liked but it taught Nintendo many valuable lessons and paved the way to allow the NX to be a reality.

The hardcore the Wii did not cater for have also moved on, which is one of the reasons why the Wii U sold poorly.
These people you speak of were never going to be WiiU customers. Nintendo does not cater to them at all. The 3rd parties did at Nintendo's launch. But that failed simply because those games (like COD etc etc) are not the games that the Nintendo fan wants to play. They are not Nintendo console selling games. Nintendo fans like games where you're not playing as a realistic person in a (at least semi) realistic world. Nintendo fans like their weird and wacky Nintendo IPs.

Nintendo actually tried pretty hard to cater to the traditional hardcore gamer at the WiiU launch. This type of gamer has no interest in purchasing a WiiU and Nintendo fans have little interest in these kind of games. The Nintendo fans wanted the cutesy weird IP game that was a console seller. That never came at WiiU launch.

This is more a new phenomenon as in the past I remember games like Rogue Squadron 2 selling well at the Gamecube Launch. Also The N64 had Wave Race at it's launch. Times have changed and so have the gamer demographics.

The NX looks to rectify this at least in part with Breath of the Wild.

@Deus What you say is not correct. Nintendo at least initially at WiiU launch tried to cater for the hardcore gamer. That was their mistake as these people would never be Nintendo customers. Steve Jobs had it right in 1997 when he started to rebuild Apple.
"Start with your existing customer bases and build from there".
Nintendo has the dedicated gaming portable market and the weird non realistic IP fans as their customer base. The NX is Nintendo trying to take this into account where as the WIiU at launch did not.

In the 5th Generation, the N64 was blown out the water by Sony's Playstation in sales terms, 33 million to 103 million.This happened because despite having some of the greatest games of all time with Zelda and Mario on that console, their decision to use cartridges made the games extremely expensive. It also drove away 3rd party developers because of the more difficult format.
What drove the developers away from the N64 was not the difficulty of N64 development, it was the licencing and other fees Nintendo put of 3rd party developers to develop for the N64. Nintendo made it a red tape and expense nightmare to develop for the N64. This made it not financial sense to develop for the N64.

One thing I will never forgive the Wii U for though is what happened with the Virtual Console. I for the life of me will never understand what held it back so much and led to such a huge gutting of the Wii's library. It didn't contribute to the Wii U's commercial failure at all most likely, but coming off of what the Wii gave us, it left a bad taste in my mouth. I really hope the NX learns from this.

Your fears should be relieved with the NX. The Wiiware and Wii VC were not hosted on Nintendo servers. That's why a lot of the content there was pulled. On the WiiU, all the eShop and VC content is on Nintendo servers so it's safe and can't be pulled by 3rd parties discontinuing their hosting and online services. All the content from the WiiU eShop and VC should be there ready for the NX.


Nintendo is never remembered for their hardware (failures aside). They are remembered for their great games. So which WiiU games will be remembered in decades to come as great games? Basically anything not too niche and relatively popular, not so many to be honest.

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Super Mario 3D Worlds
Affordable Space Adventures
Bayonetta 1&2
Hyrule Warriors

That's about it. Some of the rest like Captain Toad and Tokyo Mirage Sessions are great games but too niche to be remembered. In the grand scheme of things there will only be a few WiiU games remembered. Unlike other past Nintendo consoles with a lot more games remembered.
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Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
Lol. Why!? The Wii U had so much wasted potential. Why was SFZero a single player game (that co-op mode doesn't count)? SFassault was like the best nintendo multiplayer game next to smash bros imo. And with the multiplayer local capabilities expanding with the game they could have done so many different things. But nope.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
The Wii U has an amazing software library but suffered from limited use of its hardware and lack of price cuts.

I'm sure people would have been more than willing to pay a premium for the Wii U if there were more showcases for the Wii U like Splatoon and Super Mario Maker. Those games were absolutely brilliant and showed what creative uses a second screen could have for a console. It's a shame Nintendo often relegated the GamePad to a second screen.

Aside from those games, I had a ton of fun with Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, and Xenoblade Chronicles X. The Wii U will go down in history as the next Dreamcast. There are quite a few gems found amidst a struggling system.

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