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Goku VS Batman


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
After I became active in the 90s, the writers started basing their stories around the real me. I was inspired to become the real Batman by the Golden Age comics (let's pretend Silver Age didn't happen). But modern Batman is based on me, and I'm flattered. :keese:

You're not fooling anyone, Keeseman. This isn't the first time your lies have caught up to you.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
This Batman Nerd War between Turo and Batman is just adorable.

I know, right?


Feb 23, 2011
Why is this even a question? Goku...a million times...Goku...

He wouldn't even have to go Saiya-jin 1 to make short work of Batman; all it'd take is a mere thump on the brow...


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
Unlikely. Goku would absolutely destroy Darkseid, this is a silly discussion. Goku could literally destroy the entire planet in less than a second in SSJ3. He causes earthquakes just powering up to SSJ3. If you watch the show, Goku in just Dragon Ball could knock the strongest human fighters back with just the thrust of his fist. By the time he is SSJ3, he could launch Batman out of the stratosphere by breathing on him. Literally. Not to mention if Goku wanted to destroy Batman he'd just have to fly up and send a blast that would destroy the entire planet--batman included.

You need to look up Darkseid. Also, look up the Superman vs. Goku Deathbattle on ScrewAttack's YouTube channel. It gives you the stats on how much more powerful Supes is than Goku (Superman would obliterate Goku without much effort at all). And Supes has a really hard time dealing with Darkseid. The most logical conclusion is that Darkseid could handle Goku in SSJ3 fairly easily.

Also, my influence goes beyond Gotham or Earth. I'd know how to deal with someone as powerful as Goku.
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Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Unlikely. Goku would absolutely destroy Darkseid, this is a silly discussion. Goku could literally destroy the entire planet in less than a second in SSJ3. He causes earthquakes just powering up to SSJ3. If you watch the show, Goku in just Dragon Ball could knock the strongest human fighters back with just the thrust of his fist. By the time he is SSJ3, he could launch Batman out of the stratosphere by breathing on him. Literally. Not to mention if Goku wanted to destroy Batman he'd just have to fly up and send a blast that would destroy the entire planet--batman included.

Yet, Superman could absolutely destroy Goku... Goku is no match for Darkseid. And if Goku even attempted to blast the planet I reside on, he would not only have to deal with me, but also my good friend Superman.


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
Here’s the ScrewAttack Deathbattle. Watch it, it’s very well done: Goku vs. Superman

And here is a ScrewAttack blog that defends the video, fixes some errors, and even gives Goku a 1,000,000,000 power level: Goku vs. Superman: Final Analysis

The point is, Superman (at normal strength) is much more powerful than Goku at his most powerful. And Superman has a very hard time defeating Darkseid. Darkseid is more powerful than Goku, and I once killed (and regularly beat the **** out of) Darkseid. I could handle myself just fine in a fight with Goku.
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Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
One of those Batmen said:
You're not fooling anyone, Keeseman. This isn't the first time your lies have caught up to you.

What... What did I do? :kawaii:

But yeah, I don't know. I'd say Batman could easily outsmart Goku (Goku's pretty dumb, honestly), but Goku is easily much more powerful, and doesn't have an easily accessible weakness like Superman does. Goku can also sense energy, so Batman could not hide too easily from him. I'm gonna go with Goku.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
No! Nonononono. The answer is neither Goku NOR Batman.

The true winner is...

Mr. Rogers in a blood-stained sweater.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
No! Nonononono. The answer is neither Goku NOR Batman.

The true winner is...

Mr. Rogers in a blood-stained sweater.

Give credit where credit is due.

Anyway, I guess that's why he's dead today. Although he could totally kill Goku if he wanted to.


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
I’d also like to briefly discuss another fallacy I see sometimes. It’s assumed that Superman would destroy me in any fight just because of his shear power, which has been refuted in several instances, and here’s why: Let me let Mr. Malloy describe why this is wrong:

Dr. Daniel P. Malloy said:
It’s a perennial game among geeks of every stripe to ask who would win in a fight between X and Y. What if Spider-Man fought Darth Vader? What if He-Man took on the Hulk? Who would win between Galactus and the Anti-Monitor? One of the oldest of these arguments is what if Batman fought Superman – who would win? The commonsense answer is Superman. Superhuman strength, speed, senses, flight, heat vision, X-ray vision, and superbreath? No contest, right? Wrong. Batman wins. Hands down. Every time. Why? Because he’s Batman. He’s ruthless, he’s intelligent, and he’s always prepared.

In large part, Batman’s string of upsets against Superman is due to the way that the two of them approach the fight and each other. Superman views Batman as a friend in a conventional sense. He trusts Batman and believes (incorrectly) that he would never harm a friend. As Batman himself once described their differences, “Deep down, Clark’s essentially a good person. And deep down, I’m not.” Superman approaches confrontations with the Dark Knight with kid gloves. He pulls punches, leaves himself open. He expects Batman to fight honorably. More important, Superman understands what he could do to Batman if he wanted to. The power he wields makes it all the more important for him to restrain himself. So even in the heat of battle, he doesn’t use every advantage against Batman. He doesn’t use his speed or ability to fly; he tries not to use his heat vision or his arctic breath. Essentially, Superman wants to come as close to fighting fair as he can.

And that’s why he loses – Batman doesn’t fight fair. He’s not in the same fight as Superman. He knows very well that Superman has all the advantages in a fair fight – so why bother fighting fair? Batman uses the environment to his advantage. Sometimes that means using the city’s entire power grid to stun Big Blue, as he did in Hush. Sometimes that means setting things up well in advance – things like hunter missiles activated by X-ray vision, or charges that will drop ninety tons of rock onto Superman on cue, [or use kryptonite]. Any advantage, however small is worth using.

Goku, like Superman, has a code that makes him fight fair lest he forfeit what he’s all about. Aside from killing when it’s not necessary, I have no such code.

Goku (who is actually quite dumb and a really good person at heart) would have a rude awakening when going up against a prepared me (who is a genius strategizer and tactician and who will fight dirty without a second's thought). Again, just ask Darkseid what it’s like fighting me.

I am not to be underestimated. The very small can take down the very large if the small knows what it's doing. You can trust this: I know what I'm doing.
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Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
Xy said:
Watch mo DBZ, bro.

inb4 he says he's already studied everything about Goku and has a contingency plan to beat him.

inb5 Turo mocks him for being some kind of Fakeman, etc.

inb6 :keese: (sidenote: that's not a bat. I would know ;))

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