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General Modern Ghirahim for Super Smash Bros.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
As much as I like Ghirahim, I always had my doubts if he would be a playable character. But to replace Ganondorf? I don't see that happening, maybe Demise, but not Ghirahim. Ganondorf is such an iconic character that I doubt he would be replaced by someone who wasn't as popular, let alone appeared in only one Zelda game so far. Ghirahim would make a great addition to the Smash Bros. roster, but I just don't see that happening now as we get closer to the release of the 3DS version of Smash 4. If anything, I see Ghirahim as either an assist trophy or a collective trophy and this thought is due to how there are not that many references to the Skyward Sword in Smash 4 other than the Skyloft stage. But you never know what is in store for us, so who knows? But personally, I don't think Ghirahim will be a playable character in Smash 4.


Jul 1, 2012
Super Smash Bros Is a gathering, a celebration almost, of all Nintendo's prime franchises and mascots. So it's fitting that the mascots represent their respective franchise. It's very rare that you get one off characters from a series appear in Smash Bros as each character needs to meet a certain criteria revolving around: popularity, iconic status, representation of the series.

You have to ask yourself, does Ghirahim meet the criteria? Well he's popular to some Zelda fans, though I'd say he's more so well know because of his whacky nature not because he was a great and memorable villain. Is he iconic? Well no, he played second fiddle to Demise [the main villain], and his legacy doesn't move very far from Skyward Sword. All of that really lessens his status as representing the Zelda franchise. Sure he represents the more modern games, but SS Is nearly three years behind us now. Ganondorf, the villain mascot, is still iconic, hugely popular and still very much relevant; he should almost definitely be chosen over Ghirahim.

I guess some could make an argument for having both, but I think that's overkill; we don't need him. Sure Ghirahim could be a great addition as an actual fighter - a diverse, unique character that I'm sure will be a popular choice when going into battle though he still doesn't meet the criteria. Sometimes there are exceptions, but the Smash Bros community is very vocal about who and what should be included in the series and, from what I've gathered so far, it doesn't look like Ghirahim is welcome--or should I say--deserving of a place among the roster.
Jun 14, 2011
As much as I would like to see him as a playable character, I don't think Ghirahim will make the cut, at the very least he will be a collectable Trophy. Four characters represent the Zelda series as of now with Sheik being an independent character, if there will be a fifth Zelda character slot, Ganondorf will most likely fill that space.

Ganondorf has been in 2 Super Smash Bros titles along with many other characters, like Zelda herself for example, cutting Ganondorf in this title just because he hasn't appeared in many recent Zelda titles is pretty farfetched considering that Sheik has only officially appeared in one game.
Jan 21, 2013
Clock Town
If Ganondorf were to be replaced, Ghirahim is definitely the character I'd most like to see do it. Demise is too similar, and that would feel like an update for it's own sake. Ghirahim, on the other hand, has the potential to be an interesting and much different fighter. Smash is, after all, a fighting game, and the criteria for choosing a character should be whose abilities would make the fighting more fun, and not which character ends up being the final boss.

That said, I don't want to see Ganondorf cut. I'd like to see both him and Ghirahim in the fray. But if it's got to be one or the other, I'd rather they took the risk and went with Ghirahim.

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