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Ganon's Perfect Plan

Sep 22, 2010
how many people think ganon has been setup by the goddesses? is good vs evil a bad archetype? I think that ganon needs to stop thinking about controlling the world and more about how he can achieve that? do you think that setting the races of hyrule against each other would leave a power vaccum for ganon to fill? has anyone noticed that the gerudo/zoras/gorons are self-contained? I would think ganon should start a race war by taking the zoras and somehow positioning them to be the true masters of the water in hyrule. if the Zora's for whatever reason decided to restrict the use of their water then that would affect everyone. One question that ganon fails to deal with is why is their no interbreeding between zoras and gorons or gerudo and "royal family?"


Dec 15, 2010
I think Ganondorf should be using is Smash Bros. moves instead of Light Balls and having a set movement path.

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