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Twilight Princess Ganondorf: is This a Joke?

was ganondorf easy or hard?

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  • hard

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one of many
Sep 27, 2011
Talking to the other zellinkdas
OK so technically this is my 3rd time playing/completing Twilight Princess. and for those of you who might have come across this, and want to know what i mean by "technically" i mean that: my brother and i have been collaborative zelda players. I figure out everything, and he just does the stuff i tell him. later, i'll go back and play the game on my own. but we don't do that so much anymore. anyways, i can't help but notice the thing that nintendo might have done; in my opinion, wrong. i don't like that ganondorf had the hard sections of the boss in the beginning. puppet zelda took me a little longer to return attacks, ( i haven't played in awhile.) and i don't get why ganondorf himself had to be so easy! i liked it when i watched, but now that i have played it, i said to myself, wait a minute zellinkda, why was this easy? it should have been like oot, from medium difficulty, to hard! it shouldn't have been this easy. so i want to know, do you think this was easy, or difficult. Thoughts welcome!

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
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Ganondorf was a total joke. I'm even giving him more credit than he deserves by saying just that. The last phase of the battle was incredibly epic, that much is true... But Ganondorf was an enormous disappointment, just like the rest of the game. It's a shame, really...
Dec 14, 2011
The section on horseback had some gravitas to it and the final section, the one-to-one was pretty epic, had some feeling to it.

It was really easy...

I always found the last form of Majora's Mask without the deity mask on to be tough... Well on the first two playthroughs anyway until you can register it's attack patterns.
Jul 22, 2011
I'm certainly with you that it was too easy, though I'm more disappointed in the order in which the phases play out. Also, I thought his beast form was quite lame compared to that of OoT's


Ganondorf Incarnate
Feb 12, 2011
Dark Realm
I agree, he was pretty easy, but I do think the horseback battle has some potential, maybe for other games. but they could have made him quite a bit more difficult.
Nov 24, 2011
Sadly he was super easy, but thankfully the final battle still felt epic despite that. I think when I do replay Twilight Princess again I'll do a 3 heart challenge, that should make it harder!
Dec 10, 2011
Sadly TP was lazily developed by Nintendo and they were relying on OOT's fame just to get them through. I still think TP is one of my favorite Zelda games but its not the easiest because the easiest I played was ALTTP and LA. I honestly think OOT and TWW are about the same difficulty as TP.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Ganondorf was like Skyward Sword: entirely loopable and just way too easy.

I'll do a quick rundown of each Ganondorf phase:

Puppet Zelda: Run around, wait for him to send a lightning ball down, do a spin attack and repeat 3x times. Easy cakes.
Beast Ganon: First shoot an arrow into his glowy gem thing, then slash at him. As he gets up, transform to Wolf Link and examine the field; whichever portal turns blue is the one he comes out of. L-Target, hold A, throw him then run around and transform to regular Link, unleash some spins and repeat. Easy cakes.
Horseback: I don't evenw ant to talk about this, too easy.
Dark Lord: L-Target him, walk up til he stops moving, if he charges then smash A and continue to do so till you overpower him, unleash some hits then repeat. Ending blow, done. Easy cakes.

I'm not joking, all of Ganondorf is so ridiculously easy to loop, it makes the game feel a lot less epic than it should have.


Jun 20, 2011
In a tree house.
That was very easy. i expected it to be much more like everyone else but it just didnt add up:\ and i think the kinda hard part was Beast Ganon part.....other than that i thought it was entirely to easy..


one of many
Sep 27, 2011
Talking to the other zellinkdas
Sadly TP was lazily developed by Nintendo and they were relying on OOT's fame just to get them through. I still think TP is one of my favorite Zelda games but its not the easiest because the easiest I played was ALTTP and LA. I honestly think OOT and TWW are about the same difficulty as TP.
nintendo has got to stop relying on oot. come up with cold hard ideas! I really like TP but i think the final boss could have been harder.
Sep 4, 2011
I hate how most people are saying hes easy when over all he had been a better fight feeling to me than OoT. I though after a while and replaying it had him hit me more in the last round and started to dodge. My first play through at Ganon was intense and I believe that its so under rated.


i found some of it easy other parts where hard but i still play it over and over anyway

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