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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Mafia Game Thread

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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I was the Hero that the Town deserved, but not the one it needed.

Alphonse Elric, a Bulletproof Townie.

Brother!!! :kawaii:

^ Yes, to think I was going to pressure Alit for saying not to vote for Monkey if I had survived the second night. Ah well. The only thing I'm interested in now is finding out who bumped me off and why. I didn't think that I was overly suspicious, but Pride, supposedly at the time, wanted an easy target who wouldn't bring suspicion back on himself. Viral is the one who I suspected had NKed me to begin with yet Pride turned out to be one of the players who needed a replacement... Raindrop, if it's all right or even possible, could I have the name of who Lord Death replaced that Day during the inactivity modkill?

Anyhow, congrats to Town for the victory, and the Mafia for hanging in there so long! The last two mafioso came as a surprise to me. I wasn't even able to deduce them as scum on the basis of...anything. So, a game well-played. Looking forward to the next one!


Jun 19, 2010
Knew it. It's not like mass claiming took all of the fun out. We still had to do a lot of work and deduction to figure out who was lying. But I do agree that it should be banned in subsequent games.

Also Rainy, can you give us the roles of the town that ended up living as well? If Pendio was actually the SK, who was the vig?


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
Wait what? How could the town win? I was the Serial Killer, not the Vig (which I faked to be). I think something went wrong... :D

Typically Serial Killers are third parties who just need to survive to the end, regardless of whether the Mafia or Town wins. Sometimes they need to be the sole survivor, but I imagine it was the former case here.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
I was okay with the idea, but know looking back it did take some fun out of the game, and i agree that next time i will go against another mass claim fiasco, well congrats my fellow town!! The Vig was probably GWAF, since she wasnt Maia, and the only one with a already confirmed role, or important role, funny how only one reguler town survived.
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Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Mass claims kill games.

I had a much longer post detailing the bulk of my thoughts on the game's proceeding, but honestly all of that is inconsequential. Mass claims are against the spirit of the game itself, as are testing people with things like the wording of role information and win conditions.

I am typically a very gracious loser, and accepted my death. But the mass claim nonsense on the last day irked me greatly, because it is so opposite to the core of Mafia.

Totally agree. I only called for one because I wanted the game to be over soon >_> Plus, with two new replacements of players with less than 5 posts, there was a damn good chance we could have lost, since no one suspected Atti and LordDeath because Fig and Linkdude did nothing.

Best way to battle mass claims: Give out the town wincon in the beginning, and give Mafia believe-able fake claims. Makes the whole thing more interesting while still keeping some of the freedom to allow the players to do what they want.

Also, replace inactives more frequently/have smaller games. I feel like 20 players is pushing it.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
That's...hilarious. The two replacement players were both mafia. So there was a day in which the town players were bickering among themselves. Lynching Durion that day was the proper solution.

I was very unsure of myself early in the game and chose to lurk in the shadows before pressuring players who had several votes on their heads. This proved especially useful during the first day in deciding whether to lynch DH or Axle.

I give a shout-out to Kyby at this point because Wyatt was very accurate in predicting who the mafia members were making him an immediate threat to the scum.

Viral's strategy during end game was great even if slightly counter productive to the spirit of mafia. When Atticus and Lord Death couldn't procure a proper wincon, however, I felt equally satisfied by the conclusion.

I found it fitting that Thareous was my brother in arms even if he did intend to pressure me...the irony.

Thanks for the great game, Rainy, I enjoyed it a lot.


The game is on!
Typically Serial Killers are third parties who just need to survive to the end, regardless of whether the Mafia or Town wins. Sometimes they need to be the sole survivor, but I imagine it was the former case here.

This was my wincon though:

"You win when everyone else but you is eliminated!"

My tactic was to take out the Mafia first, because I considered them my largest threat since they can kill me at night. Things seemed to be going as planned. Though I guess I just won together with the town. :silent:

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Rainy definitely included some very interesting roles in this game. Even though it's her first time as a game mod, I felt as though she was very experienced.

As an addendum to my last post, I opted to play aggressively knowing I could deflect one night kill. I therefore decided to convince the serial killer (since apparently there was no vig) to kill Garo. That said, I was certain the mafia would target me that day since I spear headed the drive on Garo and therefore opted to use my ability. The last day, my role claim was merely for the purpose of progressing the game and to serve as a bluff to deter mafia from targeting me.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
I'm so so sorry guys, I actually messed up in this game. :silent: As Pendio points out, that was his win-con, and I totally forgot about it, and just gave him the win with the town. I figured that since he role claimed with everyone else, he had essentially made an allience, although it was not stated (to my knowledge). I should not have assumed such, and I am sorry for ending the game when it still had to go on.

As to the remaining roles left, here they are:

Dracomajora was Alex Armstrong, a Vanilla Townie
A Link In Time was Alphonse Elric, the Bulletproof Townie
Furie was Van Hohenheim, the Town Doctor
GirlWithAFairy was Winry Rockbell, a Vanilla Townie
PokaLink was Riza Hawkeye, the Town Cop
Pendio was Scar, the Vigilante

Thank you all for playing, I enjoyed modding this game a lot, and I hope to improve my modding skills in the next game that I get to mod. ^^

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
This was my wincon though:

"You win when everyone else but you is eliminated!"

My tactic was to take out the Mafia first, because I considered them my largest threat since they can kill me at night. Things seemed to be going as planned. Though I guess I just won together with the town. :silent:

I had that thought in my head, that you could be a serial killer, but all your kills were pro-town, so I decided we could cross that bridge when we come to it. Good nightkills though.

Thank you all for playing, I enjoyed modding this game a lot, and I hope to improve my modding skills in the next game that I get to mod. ^^

Definitely was a fun game. I haven't played in like a year or so, so it was nice to get back.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia

It was a good game up until the end. I don't mean to sound like a sore loser, but that whole "mass role claim" idea REALLY pissed me off. I'm fine with my lynching, and I'm fine that the mafia lost, but I'm not okay with the fact that the game was broken and almost ensured a town victory. Even though everyone complied, I really didn't want to go through with it, but I knew if I didn't I would cast more suspicion on myself. But you know what they say; you get what you get, and you don't get upset (if that even applies to this situation).

I shall patiently wait for the next game. :yes:
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