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Twilight Princess First Time TP: Three Heart Run?



Hi guys, I'm new to the forum!
I bought Twilight Princess yesterday since I beat Skyward Sword, and I was really excited to do a three-heart run for the first time.
Would it still be enjoyable to play TP for the first time doing a three-heart run?
Will I miss anything other than heart containers by taking on this challenge?

I can't say I'm super experienced, but I don't mind seeing the "Game Over" screen so much.
I also avoid using guides and stuff until after I beat the game, so I won't know what monsters I'll be facing or what traps I'll be seeing.
Tips and advice would be appreciated as well although I've seen some tips on 3 heart run threads.

Thanks for reading ~


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Well since you said you don't mind seeing the game over screen I'd say go for it. Combat in Twilight Princess is definitely easier than Skyward Sword so if the thought crossed your mind to do a three heart run I'd say go for it. Are you going to use bottles? That would make it easier and technically it would still be a three heart run.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Twilight Princess is easy enough for a three heart challenge on your first go. Here's some advice:
- I'd say it's okay to use potions, but don't use fairies. That's cheating. It essentially adds another 3 hearts to the total. Use Milk because it has two servings in it.
- Each dungeon (except Hyrule Castle) has two heart pieces in it, so you should know which ones have them before hand. Avoid them.
- For a harder challenge, don't get the hidden skills. The first hidden skill is impossible to avoid and required for the final boss. Just don't howl at the howling stones.
- The Ordon Shield is required to get, but not to use. Burn it as soon as possible and don't buy the Hylian Shield. This is the hardest addition to a three heart challenge, in my opinion.

I might add some more later.

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
I'm opposed to doing this kind of stuff your first playthrough of any game. Zelda games are all about exploration and searching for things, Heart Pieces and Heart Containers being one aspect of that. Besides, the game will be frustratingly hard your first time through, even though Twilight Princess is a relatively easy game, if you choose to do this and you will eventually get sick of the game over screen. Also, the whole point of a minimal health run is to challenge yourself after you're familiar with the game the way it's supposed to be played.

I cant seem to think of the words to get my point across properly (maybe I'm being paranoid) but I hope you still understand what I mean.
Jan 8, 2012
I just replayed TP for my first time on the GC and one of the best parts were looking/earning heart pieces.

I'm now doing a 3 heart challenge, named my guy 3Heartz but I'm still using my shield and bottles, fox that lol


将軍 ジタン
Jan 10, 2012
Stock Pot Inn in the Knife Chamber
I just recently started a 3HC for TP myself and accidentally got a heart piece in Goron Mines. It doesn't matter to me though. I am not using fairies and to be honest I have beaten the game like 4 times and still don't have every single thing memorized.


I'm encouraged to play the game throughout and get the pieces, but I want to beat all the other Zelda games I can play and I don't think I'd replay the same game twice until after I beat the others. Perhaps I can try getting the heart pieces after I beat the game on the same account?

I kind of already skipped a few heart pieces which I can go back to in the first dungeon.
I'll just stick with using potions, I think I'm going to try to finish the game with 3 hearts.

Thanks everyone.
Jan 8, 2012
still doing my 3 heart run and just got to Snowpeak. I have 3 pieces =[ all accidental lol. they really shouldn't have put the pieces in chests in this game.

or any game, because it's hard to do 3 heart runs
Jan 6, 2012
I think you will enjoy the game more if you do a normal run, because you would be able to do whatever you want without fearing heart pieces.
For this reason I think doing minimalist runs the first time you play it is a bad idea (same with speed runs)
Jul 6, 2011
If you still think TP is still easy with the 3HC, then do the wooden sword glitch. Google it or look it up on Youtube, it is so much fun.
Wooden Sword Glitch+3HC+Minimalist Run=Good Replay Value and a good challenge.

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