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Fire And Ice

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
With Twinrova in Ocarina of Time, a new and fascinating twist on the elemental theme permeating its predecessors was introduced. The boss utilized the opposing powers of fire and ice and as the common phrase goes, Link had to "fight fire with fire". The concept was repeated with Twinrova's return in the linked Oracle games as well as through Fraaz in Spirit Track's Snow Temple.

The theme has also been applied to dungeons on a broader scale. Take the mini dungeon, Ice Cavern, from Ocarina of Time, for example. Collecting blue fire in a jar was required to melt red ice. Perhaps Nintendo should further expand this idea with a dungeon centering around two diametrically opposed elemental themes which cancel each other throughout.

While the idea was gently prodded in Ocarina of Time's Spirit Temple, it'd be nice to see an enemy lair juxtaposing light and shadow. It'd certainly be a technical marvel to behold on either 3DS or Wii U with the added horsepower of said systems. A combination of magic and/or reflecting item like Mirror Shield could be used to light flames and bring light whereas competing spells would extinguish light in certain areas to reveal secrets.

What are your thoughts on bosses like Twinrova which boast two elements Link must counter against the dangerous denizen? Should this idea be applied more regularly to dungeons? Why or why not? If so, what are some ideas you have revolving around this concept?
I liked Twinrova, but not for the elements of its battle, it was simple nice to have to keep your eye trained on two opponents instead of one. That being said the fight was ridiculously easy, as have been other fights of the same ilk, a lot of the time is wasted waiting, storing and then attacking back, and if you miss its just tedious, not pulse pounding tension. Twinrova became easier too when it merged into one because i was no longer threatened by something that could sneak attack me or attack when i couldn't see it. It'd be a nice marvel to see two elements balanced like you say with Shadow and Light but how about a dungeon instead of a boss, we've had fire and ice temple but what about merging them and really make it look like the best of both dungeons with the same puzzles too, the dungeon would require more items to traverse too and more skill, so how about things like that instead since bosses rarely work with the balancing.


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
The Earth Temple in WW springs to mind, having to use light to dispel the cursed mist and deflecting the light around rooms with several mirrors (love that huge room). It made for some great puzzles


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Twinrova was absolutely a challenge that has never been on the Zelda series until OoT came. I really thought it was pretty cool to focus on not one, but two characters, later then being morphed into one boss. It was too much for a beginner to maneuver the controls in order to defeat Twinrova. The concept of this character was really well thought and also as bringing the two Fire and Ice elements having to fight along and also go against is completely obscured yet amazing. The Twinrova boss in OoT was something we didn't see coming.

In future Zelda games, I would like to see this concept of morphed characters, also elements to create the boss that it's to die for. It amazingly wonderful of this type of concept from two characters into the ideal boss.


Hero of Rhyme
Nov 16, 2012
Lake Hylia
I like where you're going with this Idea! Very similar to Oracle of Season where you got the magnetic ring and had to either pull or push things away to solve puzzles! There are a ton of Ideas that Nintendo has used once or twice, but could definitely be recycled or twisted to be used in new games!

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