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Twilight Princess Finished TP, Final Thoughts.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
You know, I will never understand why there is so much dislike of Twilight Princess. It really must not be that good of a game, because it's generally a consensus that TP failed to deliver. I guess I'm just a weirdo; I thought TP was/is a masterpiece. I love virtually everything about that game and I've replayed it several times and have had a ball each time. I think it's a wonderful Zelda game and I really can't see what so many people have against it. Oh well. :kawaii:

But anyways, congrats on beating the game!

I never understood it either. Whenever I try to ask someone why they didn't like it, usually I get this sort of speech on this "mythical thing" Twilight Princess just didn't have.
Jan 2, 2012
TP is my favorite and I find many complaints, especially the ones you mentioned, to be unjustified. I do not agree that the massive world is empty, I think the dungeons are packed with content, and I think that the wolf portions were a refreshing change to the series' normal controls.

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