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Majora's Mask Fighting Majora


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
Though I'm not a huge fan of MM it does have one of my favourite final boss battles. The fight against Majora's Mask/Incarnation/Wrath is fun, challenging and a tad crazy. Thing is, the first time I fought it I used the Fierce Deity mask and the boss was really easy. Sure it was cool to annihilate him so quickly but the novelty soon wore off. Next time I did it without the mask and I enjoyed the fight so much I will probably never used the FD mask again.

SO, when fighting Majora's Mask (or any of the other bosses) do you prefer to use the FD mask or go at it without?


I really enjoyed using the Fierce Deity's Mask just because you own at every boss battle, including Majora and all it's alternate forms; when it comes to something that was more enjoyable, i'd have to say going without was. I agree, the novelty of defeating Majora so easily wore off, and battling without made me feel more accomplished because it was my own skill that allowed me to win.

I really do love the Fierce Deity's mask, though. Have you ever tried the glitch that allows you to be the Fierce Deity anyway instead of just boss battles? Now that was a lot of post-game fun :)


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I prefer to fight without the Fierce Deity's Mask. Sure, it's fun every now-and-then to basically activate God Mode, but fighting Majora with the Fierce Deity's Mask might as well be like fighting one of The Wind Waker's or Twilight Princess's bosses. It's just too easy.

Nah, screw that analysis. It's like fastforwarding your system's clock a week when fighting The End in Metal Gear Solid 3. It's just depriving yourself of a great battle.


Jul 1, 2012
I would say I'm not a huge fan of this boss battle but I usually like to tackle it without the Fierce Deity Mask. Having this basically takes away from the actual boss battle itself as the tactics, used in each stage are pulled from the battle and you can just spam the swords magic attack. However I do like to return to this and other boss battles toFijust either see how fast I can defeat them or to abuse the his ultimate powers.

The Fierce Deity is one of my favourite characters in the series (I know technically he isn't really a character), I like his color scheme as well as his look, since kind of feels like a more mature Link and in a way I have always want to see this. Plus it's always nice to reenact the original battle between Majora and FD.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I prefer to uber pwn him with the FD mask. It's just much more fun bbeing OP.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I usually just toy with it in human form and try to extend the fight as much as I can. Otherwise it feels too short, too easy, and to unsatisfying.


Are you serious?!?
Feb 6, 2013
In a bottle
If I am fighting Majora for the fight I don't use the FD, but I do like to use it when I just want to watch the end credits (I love seeing Kafei and Anju finally have their wedding--it's like a super short feel good movie but works like a charm for me if I'm having a bad day). I also tend to use it on Odolwa if I just want to clean up the swamp as his fight feels like it takes forever without the FD sword beams. I don't really use it in any of the other boss battles because it doesn't make the fight more fun/fast, although I do like to run around the boss room wearing the FD after the fight is over and shoot sword beams at the walls.

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